53. Real Life

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The hospital room was filled with Grant, his family and Addie's family. The lobby was filled with the Flash cast, and some of the Avengers that was available to make it, like Lizzie, Anthony and Sebastian.

Grant was amazed at how many people cared and loved her. He stood by her bedside, never letting her hand go.

Addie was in a coma. But the doctor had explained to her family and Grant that it's more likely that she'll wake up, but not so quick.

The doctor walked in, and tapped Grant on the shoulder softly. "Mr. Gustin, I would like to talk to you for just a moment, it you'll follow me into the hall."

Grant nodded his hand, kissed Addie's hand and got up and followed the doctor, who's dark black hair was rolled into a low bun.

"Is she okay? Is my girl- is she not-"

"She's okay, sir." The doctor nodded her head. "I just wanted to ask you, are you aware that your wife-"


"That your, girlfriend, is pregnant?" The doctor asked.

Grant stared at the doctor, as his mouth was wide open. He was in shock.


"I take it that you didn't know. I believe she didn't know either, unless she did. She's only a month and a few weeks pregnant." The Doctor explained.

"She would've told me." Grant muttered. "Is the baby okay? It's not-"

"The fetus, is fine. Great, actually. I'll leave you here. If you have any questions, just let me know, or find a nurse." The doctor shook Grant's hand, and left him alone with the news of Addie's pregnancy.

Grant found his way back into the room, and was quietly bombarded with questions- which he ignored; a he sat back down and held onto Addie's hand, while rubbing her stomach.

"Grant, honey, what did she say?" Addie's mom asked, as she approached her daughter, and Grant.

"She's... she's pregnant." Grant said. "I'm going to be a dad..."

"Oh my goodness." Addie's mother gasped, as she held on to what she calls Grant her son. His mother then came over and held on to him as well, as they cried in joy, and in sadness.

Everyone in the room listened to what grand said and was incredibly shocked and happy
for the couple- they were just very nervous and sad for Addie. They wanted and needed her to be better.

Grant didn't know how to feel. He was shocked, scared. Yes, he was happy, deep down in his heart he was thrilled. But he knew about Addie's views on marriage, on kids. Did she know she was pregnant and not tell him?

Or didn't she really not know?

omg ok I know nothing about like anatomy and or things in hospitals- see I don't even know what I'm talking about 😂 hopefully you all know what I mean.

How was everyone's Valentine's Day? 💟

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