80. Real Life

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Addie finished her final scene on The Flash. It was emotional, to say the least. Her last two scenes of the episode was with the whole cast in the cortex of the flash team in the STAR labs set, and her final, was with Grant.

She spent the whole day with the cast and crew, and hasn't seen one minute of her trailer- which she loved.

Grant had approached Addie with a bottle of water, as they were all sitting around the set of the cortex, talking to each other about their favorite scenes and episodea of Addie's character.

"Hey, babe, you feeling good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hot in here." She smiled, pushing her hair out of her neck.

"Sorry about that." Grant joked, his not so smooth comment made her laugh.

"You do know how much I love you? Even if that does mean I love your bad jokes."

"If anyone has the bad jokes in this relationship, it's you." Grant laughed.

"Oh shut up."


"I think my favorite episode is back in season two." Addie said, catching everyone's attention. Danielle and Grant had sat next to her, and the rest of the cast sat in front of them two.

"I loved season two." Carlos praised.

"That episode where she leaves, before coming back in the finale of season two- which is also my favorite episode." Addie began.

"That cliffhanger though!" Carlos said.

"Ah yes," Jesse smiled, as he rolled his eyes. "When it wasn't clear on if it was her character or not. Good one."

Addie smiled at everyone remembering. It has been two seasons since season two.

"The team finds out about Jay being Zoom. Before they even find out about Jay, my character, Jane, and Barry continue trying to have this relationship work again after what happened between the two."

"Ah, the Jane and Barry breakup." Candice sighed.

"Oh yeah. That was sad." Tom spoke, watching the room.

"Wasn't even the sad part until the season finale." Grant said.

"Anyways," she smiled. "She says that the reason she leaves is not because she knows Barry and Iris are made to be, but because she wanted something better for herself, and that she didn't want to use her powers anymore."

"It sounds selfish, but the selfish thing to really do, is to stay." Grant recited her dialogue from the episode.

"Yeah. And that transition into what I'm doing in my actual life." She smiled, standing up with Grant.

"You have powers? And you're going to stop using them?"

"Ass." Addie laughed, looking at Keiynan, who sat in the back.

"Since I won't be on The Flash anymore, that means I need to obviously move on and keep going. After I finish with marvel in a year, I am going to be done-"

"No more acting?" Danielle said, furrowing her brows.

"No more acting- at least not for a while." Addie smiled. "I'm going to move on, and pursue writing and directing."

"That's amazing, Addie. It really is." Carlos said.

The rest of the cast smiled, wished her well and were very happy for her. But, the cast is about to be even more happy for her, and Grant, after their pregnancy announcement soon.

"And not only is she moving on, but I am too-"

"Don't tell me The Flash is done, and you're done too." Jesse sighed.

"No, no." Grant smiled.

"What he means is, he's moving on with me." Addie smiled, grabbing his waist, holding him, while he wrapped around her shoulder.

Addie clutched her stomach, as Grant laid his hand onto her stomach.

"Wait a minute!"

"Oh my god!"

"You're pregnant?!"


Addie and Grant smiled as they were engulfed with hugs from the cast and some crew, and were congratulated one by one.

"Thank you guys, it means so much." Addie cried. "I really do love you all, and thank you for being so accepting of me, and making me feel like family these past three years."

"We love you, Ads."

"I love you all too."

Sorry it's been a while! But I'm baaack! Updates are coming tonight or tomorrow and this weekend!

I'm thinking about making a Flash fanfic based off of this story- Addie's character Jane and everything.. I don't know- should I? Would you all read it?

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