21. Real Life pt1

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third pov

The set was filled with the crew and almost all of the cast, within the Cortex that the characters on the show called, in he STAR labs set.

Addie was nervous for her intimate scene with Grant. Their characters had fallen in love in season two, but she then left, only to return in the first half of season 3, catching Barry off guard, yet still to attached.

They were waiting for Grant to get to set, ready to start filming. Candice, Danielle and Carlos were there as well, getting ready for a scene for the characters to make a decision on how to take down a meta human.

"Babes, you okay?"

Danielle's voice snapped Addie out of her thoughts, startling her a bit.

"I'm trying to be." Addie smiled.

"Currently? Because you look a little anxious- tired too."

"Just nervous about this next scene. The one where Jane and Barry go to talk alone in the hall, and get back together." Addie responded.

"Mmm," Danielle hummed. "And then the-"

"The kiss yeah." Addie sighed, laughing in exhaust. "The characters getting back together after such a long time, admitting to each other that they love each other, ugh it just- it's just making me even more broken than I already am. Knowing that this won't happen in real life or maybe not at all."

"We'll remember, you don't have to go through this alone. We're all here." Danielle smiled, holding Addie's hand as they faced each other.

Minutes later, they had everyone gathered on set, in place, in costume and in makeup. The director, producers and more were surrounded by us and ready for the scene to be shoot.

The group team scene flew by, and without a break, Grant stood on set in the hall, ready to film the scene, and get it over with.

On Addie's side, she was very nervous- well, nervous was a understatement. He didn't face her at first, when she walking towards him, he just kept his head down. The director had called out many words, getting ready for the scene to be shot.

She stood in front of him, patiently waiting, hoping that he would look her in the eyes, and eventually he would have to.

"And... action!"


hey guys! so sorry for how long updates are taking me, and it shouldn't really, BUT it's my junior year of high school the most important year in HS, and I'm trying to keep my grades up above 80's +. Currently, this weekend, have been doing loads of homework; history, math, English & climate change!

I will be updating as soon as I'm finished with everything!

PART two will be up tomorrow night or Monday :)

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