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talk with the Russo Brothers

"Hey Adeline. You're on
speaker with us. How are
you doing?"

"Hey guys. I'm good, I'm
feeling much better. I actually
wanted to talk to you two and
figure things out for filming ."

"What's going on? How
can we help?"

"Well, I found out I'm pregnant a month
ago, after the accident, in the hospital-"

"Congratulations, Addie!"

"Congratulations, to you and
Grant, Adeline. We're both
very happy for you."

"Thank you, so much! Now, for filming,
I'll be getting bigger through
the next few months, so it
looks like I won'tbe able to
do any stuns like I used to."

"We can work this all out."


"We'll see you on your
first day of filming with
everyone, and we'll plan
and settle everything."

"Thank you guys, so much. You
two are the best. I'll see you and everyone
In a few weeks! I can't wait."

"Of course! We'll see you."

Im not sure if the Russo Brothers are doing Infinity War or not, but in this let's just say they are lol

OMG Kingsman Secret Service 2 is coming out much sooner than they planned and I'm waaaay excited 😍

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