133. Real Life

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Real Life:
The Wedding Dress

To the early morning to the late afternoon, Addie, the girls, her mom and Grant's mom spent the day trying to find the perfect wedding dress for Addie. She was very excited to find the dress, but it hadn't been going very smoothly.

"Are you almost done?" Lizzie asked, as she stood behind the white curtain in the dress store.

Addie tired on at least ten to fifteen different wedding dresses, and none of them made her feel special. Her tummy was growing, but that wasn't the issue. None of the dresses made her cry- and she wanted that to happen so she knew it was the one.

But eventually, this last dress she had tried on...was it.

Addie stared at herself and smiled, as she felt a tear drop form. The dress was simple, yet so classy and her.

"Yeah, hold on a sec!" Addie called out. She reached for her bag and pulled out her phone, quickly dialing Grant.

"Hey, what's up babe?"

"Still out searching for the dress and the dresses..."

"Everything going okay?"

She could hear the concern in Grant's voice, as she pictured him biting his lip.

"I think so... I'm just currently crying and looking at myself in this huge mirror in the dressing room while I wear the dress you'll soon see on me." Addie laughed, as she wiped her bare face.

"What a tease..." he laughed. "I'm sure you look beautiful right now like you always do. Ugh, god I'm so in love with you."

"I'm so in love with you too." She cried. "I'll see you when I get home, yeah?"

"Yeah, just text me when you're on your way. That way I'll order food and make sure I throw something on Netflix."

"The Office?"

"Always. I'll see you."

"See you later, baby g."

Addie closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay! I'm coming out."

"Holy shit that dress is so you." Lizzie said, looking Addie up and down. "This is the one right?" She held Addie's hands.

Addie shook her head yes as her smile reached her ears.

"It's so beautiful, and different." Scar said. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you guys," Addie smiled. "I really really don't know how I could be standing here without you. Especially you, moms." She smiled at her mom and Grant's mom, who both stood in the corner with each other, crying tears of joy.

Real Life:
TIME JUMP: Two Days Before Wedding in NYC

"Thank you everyone for coming, I really appreciate everything you've all been doing for us." Addie smiled, as she raised a glass of water while standing next to her soon to be husband.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world!" Anthony called out.

The smiles were contagious that night of the dinner. Everyone shared stories of their favorite moments with Addie, or their favorite moments with a Grant, or all together.

As for the couple, they couldn't help both feel nervous around each other, like it was the first time they admitted they loved each other. They shared there little flirtatious grabs, whispers and kisses through out the dinner.

"Addie, Grant! I know this is rehearsal," Lizzie began, as she grabbed the glass of wine in front of her as she stood up. "So I won't go into so much detail and emotions, but I just want to say that I'm incredibly happy that you two found your way together. You belong together, and I don't think I have ever seen anyone made you both happy as you both currently do. So, cheers to you guys and I can't wait to see you as a married couple in two days!"

"Thank you, Liz!" Grant smiled.

"Love you girl." Addie blew a kiss to her best friend from across the table.

A few minutes after Liz's little rehearsal speech for the wedding, Tyler stood up, coughed and laughed at his nervousness of public speaking.

"Like Elizabeth said, I won't go too far deep into the emotional aspect of my speech... so I just wanted to say I'm so happy for you two. I mm so happy I have another sister, and you're officially part of the Gustin Family... love you guys!" Tyler leaned in to his brother and then Addie, soon to be sister in law and gave them a hug.

Just two more days until they officially became a married couple, and soon to be parents.


but starting today I have a four day weekend, but a ton of hornworm, so I'll TRY very hard to update this weekend.
also considering this story is almost over in like 10+ chapters so :( y'all deserve a ton of updates 💖
but how is everyone?

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