85. Real Life

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"You guys are so annoying." Lizzie rolled her eyes, as she, Addie and Scarlett were working out, right next to the guys, Chris, Seb and Anthony, who were joking around and telling each other stupid jokes, that were not funny.

"I agree, but I miss you all way too much to complain right now." Addie laughed. "But, I will complain right now about working out. Remind me, why do we have to work out if we're only doing scenes with talking to each other?"

"Because, girl," Anthony began, "We get to kicking ass next week in Georgia."

"You're only a month pregnant." Chris pointed out.

"Okay, yes, but try having morning sickness, you ass." Addie rolled her eyes.

"Be nice." Scarlett said.

Addie groaned while doing leg stretches, as she felt a pain in her stomach, and dizziness occur.

"Hey, you alright there?" Chris stopped doing pull ups and stood next to Addie's side.

"Yeah, just dizzy." Addie spoke. "Cramps too from moving to hard. It's nothing."

"You sure?" Seb asked.

"I'll get you water." Lizzie said.

"Here, go sit down." Scarlett guided her.

"Guys, I'm fine." Addie stood up, protesting the people who were worried.

"Are you sure? You're a bit pale." Anthony grabbed her waist, guiding her to the door to leave.

"Maybe Ant and I should bring her back to her room to rest." Lizzie said. "You're probably just overwhelmed and hot."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Addie smiled. "I love you guys."

"And we love you." Chris said, as he kissed her forehead, and everyone smiled sincerely to her, as Lizzie and Anthony brought her back to her room within the shared house they were staying at for majority of filming.

When getting to her room, she threw up in the toilet and cried. She hated throwing up, and everything about it. Morning sickness was the worst. Once Addie took a shower, with Lizzie being in the bathroom with her just in case, she laid on her bed, exhausted and feeling somewhat better.

"You have a fever. Not too bad though. I'll bring you some tea, and maybe some toast? Are you hungry?"

"Just tea, please." She smiled. "Thanks Liz."

Addie closed her eyes, as Anthony sat at the little couch on the end of the bed. "Do you need anything else?"

"Ugh, I need my laptop. I want to call Grant." Addie sighed. Anthony grabbed her laptop off the mini table, and brought it to her with a pillow. He placed the laptop on top of the pillow, so she didn't rest it on her stomach, just in case.

"Lizzie will come soon." He explained. "I'll come back later."

"Thanks my guy," she smiled. "Love you."

"Of course my girl. Love you too, sis." He smiled, while exiting the room.

She started to FaceTime Grant, hoping he would pick up. And with the hope she had, he did in fact pick up within a couple of rings.

"Hi baby." Addie closed her eyes at Grant's voice.

"Hi." She smiled. "I already miss you. I don't care if it's been a week or so."

"I miss you too. Everything okay? You look-"

"I have this stupid fever, along with this morning sickness. I guess that's what I get when working out and being like two months pregnant." Addie rolled her eyes.

"And in a couple months, you'll be back to normal, with a special gift to the both of us." his eyes decreasing from the wide smile. "I'm so happy."

"I know you are. I am too. But I just really wish I wouldn't be getting sick, especially while I'm fucking working." Addie cursed.

"You know how much I love you baby, right?" Grant asked.

"Yes I do. And I hope you know that I do too."

"I do. And I say this all the time, but you, Adeline, are strong. These months will fly by and you'll get through it- I'll be there with you along with the way." Grant said.

"I know, my love. I just wish you could be here now."

"I'll be down in Atlanta when you are, in just a couple months." Grant said.

The rest of their morning over face time, was just conversations about themselves and their baby, and their future together as a family (An unmarried couple).

They were both truly hoping by these months will go smoothly and that everything would be just fine.


Happy Easter 🐰🐣💐
Buona Pasqua a tutti 🐰💐💜
(Italian for Happy Easter to all ^)

after the next chapter, I will have to sit down and write for two-three days- the subject will be kinda hard for me to write, knowing I haven't experience unsaid subject, or known anyone who has. So, I'm going to try my hardest to write through the writers block, and make sure I get the unsaid subject right as well as the characters reactions, etc.
so, the next update will probably be sometime next week, hopefully before I go back to school on Wednesday day!

💟 how's everyone doing?!

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