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Bridget's POV

All the girls were finally here and we were sitting on our beds catching up on what we did since the last time we have seen each other. The suddenly the speaker for the announcements came on.

"Everyone to the food hall please, Everyone to the food hall please thank you."

And with that Brittney started freaking out because on the way here her hair got frizzy and she just HAD to fix it before we left.

"Brit don't you think it can wait?"

"BRIDGEY OF COURSE IT CANNOT WAIT!" I groaned in frustration for two things. one being she called me Bridgey again and because we are forced to wait for her to fix her hair. 

"Fine but hurry please...." With that she rushed into the bathroom.

After she rushed into the bathroom I went over to my unpacked/untouched suitcase and duffel bag and picked out something else to wear since I was still in my junky clothes. I picked out a red lifeguard crop top and denim jean shorty shorts. For my shoes I just wore my white sandals.

"Oh so we are all changing and dolling ourselves up now are we?" Nicole said sending a smirk and a wink my way.

"Oh shush your just jealous because my bellybutton is showing and my I got it pierced this year so I look HAWT" I said winking back at her.

"DAYUMMM I didn't even realize you got your bellybutton pierced! It looks so good! I guess we know who is gonna be getting all the guys this year!! I mean Jesus  you are insanely tan, super skinny, and you have your belly button pierced!!"

"Pshhh shut upp we are All tan and super skinny so we will all b gettin the guys this summer!"

We all just laugh while we put a little mascara on I put my hair into a cute messy bun and then we sit and wait for Brittney to be done.

"BRITNEY HURRY UP!" Sammy yells.

Brittney comes out of the bathroom as happy as can be because her hair just looks perfect. We all start walking out of cabin and over to the food hall.

"I wonder why Ms. Laura called us all over to the food hall?" Skylar asks.

"Well its probably nothing but I don't really know because she sounded shaky and anxious over the announcements." Nicole adds.

When we get to the food hall we were a little late and Ms. Laura was already talking into the Microphone on the little mini stage we have in the Food hall. We tried sneaking into the back row but no that just cant happen now can it. "GIRLS YOUR HERE FINALLY!" Ms. Laura shouts to us even though she has a microphone.

"Umm yeah Hi Ms. Laura?" I say questioningly

"You five come up here please......Now"

We all look at each other hesitantly but we go onto the little stage anyway. Once we get up there she turns her attention back to everyone sitting down. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't mind so much because I don't get nervous or embarrassed that easily.

" You girls are going to be helping me out today." Ms. Laura says simply.

Well here goes the first chapter and I am kinda nervous to see if people are actually going to read it and enjoy my story but oh well...

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