Never hit a girl

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Sammy POV

Ever since me and Niall sorted things out, it has been really fun to be with him. We cuddle and kiss all the time and he feeds me breakfast in bed. We have "done it" like 5 times in the past two nights. I love him so much that hurts to be away from him for too long. we have a lot of stuff planned for the dance and it is going to be a blast. The other couples are coming back to camp in three days and Nicole has already gotten me and Bridget our dresses.

Today is our photo shoot with the boys. I am so excited that I cannot breathe. We get to wear our pajamas to the place because they are doing our hair and make up along with putting us in many different outfits. I walk across the hall to Bridget and Louis' room to see what Bridget is doing.

"Knock Knock you in here?" I ask before going all the way into the bedroom.

I don't get a response but I wander further in. Nobody was in there but I look at the bathroom door and it is closed. I walk up to the bathroom door and put my ear up to it. I hear Louis and Bridget's voices coming from the hot tub.

"I am so glad Sammy is here with me. No offense but I would get a little boy sick and plus she is so fun and easy to talk too." I hear Bridget say and I immediately smile.

"I know how you feel. Niall is one of my best mates." Louis says simply. I then hear making out and a little moaning so I take that as my cue to leave.

I walk out of the room quickly and go and Niall. I walk around the entire house but I cant find him. I walk outside and I see him sitting at the edge of the pool swaying his feet in the water.

"How mad would you be if I pushed you in?" I ask as I walk up behind him. I don't get a response and I sit beside him.

"Niall?" I ask while looking at him.

He turns to me and his eyes are all red and puffy.

"why." Niall says with tears streaming down his face.

"why what?" I ask intently looking at him.

"Why this." He says while puling out his phone and showing me a picture. It was a picture of me last year when I was making out with my old boyfriend. All I do is look at him.

"Why in the hell would you do this to me after these wonderful days we have had together?" Niall says through clenched teeth.

"Niall listen to me." I say trying to calm him down.

"NO you are just some bitchy whore who obviously loves just messing around with guys hearts. After I had sex with you these last few nights I bet you went to wherever the hell this guy is and had sex with him too. I never want to look at you ever again. As for you and me. we are over." Niall turns to walk away but then stops and turns back around. Before I can register what has happened his fist is colliding with my eye and again with my lip.

I fall so hard backwards that I fall into the pool. I am crying so hard and I am hurt so bad that I could kill myself. I float back to the surface to see Niall walking away.

I turn around and run into the forest and run so far and don't look back. I instantly slow down when I am at least 4 miles from that damned cabin and I fall onto the ground and slip into unconsciousness.

Bridget POV

After me and Louis' moment in the hot tub I get out and throw on some sweats and a tee shirt, pulling my hair into a lazy but cute messy bun. then I hear the cabin door slam downstairs. I walk downstairs and I see Niall pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask while running up to him.

He pulls out his phone and shows me the picture that that bitch Chloe took of Sammy and Josh making out last year when they had a thing.

"Why do you have an old picture of Sammy?" I ask confused.

He stops instantly and comes and stands right in front of me. "What did you just say?" He asks with his lips pressed into a thin line.

'Yeah a bitch named Chloe took that of Sammy and Josh last year when they had a thing." I say like its obvious.

"Ohmygod I have done something so awful." Niall says as tears stream down his face.

"Niall stop and look at me. What did you do." I say desperate to get some answers out of him.

"I didn't mean to I swear. I would never do this I don't know what got into me. I was just so hurt. And an anonymous sent this to me this morning." Niall talks a mile a minute.

"NIALL what did you do?" I ask intently.

"You are going to hate me.....but I may or may not have said some very hurtful things to Sammy and punched her a couple times." Niall says while tears stream down his face.

Before I can register what is happening I am on top of Niall throwing punches and slapping him and kicking him. "WHAT THE HELL NIALL. HAS NOBODY EVER TAUGHT YOU NOT TO HIT A GIRL" I scream at him getting more and more furious for my best friend.

Louis comes running into the room and pulls me off of Niall.

"Where is she now Niall?!?!?!?" I scream at him.

"La-last time I saw her she was in the pool because she fell backwards but I think I heard her running off into the woods." Niall stutters.

"You are a fucking asshole. You do NOT deserve Sammy. Go die." I Spit at Niall and run out of the house to go find Sammy.

Sorry for a bit of a cliff hanger. Hope you enjoy! I will try and update tomorrow after school but I might be going to my friends basketball game so I will try!

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