Drowning isnt fun....

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 Bridget POV

DAMN Louis has abs.....Okay now Bridget focus, focus on the fact that Louis is running towards you to throw you in the pool. Okay now it is time to run!

"Sammy help!" I yell.

"I cannot help you because I am currently being chased by a leprechaun!" Sammy yells back.

Soon enough Louis caught me, threw me over his shoulder and started walking to the pool. Crap. I cannot swim and now I am about to die because my boyfriend is about to throw me into a pool. Fan-freaking-tabulous.

"LOUIS STOP I don't know how to swim!" I scream and pound my fists into his back.

"Yeah right nice try!" Louis chuckles.

"Louis I have never been more serious. PUT ME DOWN." I say, screaming the last part.

Obviously Louis doesn't like to listen because he throws me into the deep water. Soon enough I stopped struggling to get to the surface and darkness took over me.

Louis POV

Bridget is obviously joking about not being able to swim so now I definitely have to throw her into the pool. AS soon as I threw her in the water she started "struggling" to get to the top, but I don't believe that she is really drowning. She was probably just trying to prank me.... I mean who is 19 and doesn't know how to swim?!? My question was answered by Bridget floating to the bottom of the pool with a very pale face. I immediately jump in as panic takes over me.

As soon as I get out of the water with Bridget in my arms, I lay her down on one of the sun tanning chairs. Sammy then comes running over with Niall right by her side.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Sammy screams frantically.

"Well I threw her into the pool-" Before I could go any farther Sammy interrupts me.

"OHMYGOD! DID SHE TELL YOU THAT SHE CANT SWIM OR WHAT?" Sammy  screams while thrashing her arms in the air.

"Well yeah but I thought she was just joking with me so that she wouldn't have to go into the pool." I say with tears filling my eyes.

"GUYS!" Niall yells before Sammy can kill me. "Why not we start paying more attention to the unconscious Bridget laying there instead of arguing!"

"Good idea." I say as I turn back around to see Bridget laying there with purple lips. All of a sudden as we all start walking closer to her, she lunches forward throwing up ALOT of water and then having a huge coughing fit.

"OHMYGOODNESS! THANK THE GODS!" Sammy yells before scrambling over to Bridget.

Me and Niall stand there because we have no idea what to do. Bridget continues coughing until she stops and Sammy walks her into the cabin. I sit down on the chair and put my head in my hands.

"Lou im sure you had good intentions but next time just be more careful okay?" Niall says while rubbing my back.

"I really screwed up this time mate. She isn't going to want to talk to me ever again and then I will have lost one of the most important people in my life." I sob into my hands.

"No No No that is not what is going to happen at all." Niall says reassuringly.

"And how do you know that?" I ask looking up at him.

"I don't know that for sure but there is only one way to find out." Niall stands up and pulling me up with him.

We walk into the cabin and look around on the first floor for the girls but there is no sign of either of them. We walk upstairs and look and me and Bridget's room first. Bridget is laying on the bed but I don't see Sammy. I immediately run over to Bridget and give her a hug.

"Ohmygod I am so sorry I thought you were joking I will never ever do that again I promise. Are you mad at me?" I ask.

"No of course I am not mad I mean you had no idea that I was being serious. But its not me you have to worry about. Its Sammy." Bridget explains.

Then all of a sudden I am being yanked off of Bridget and Sammy's hand comes in contact with my face. All I can do is look at her with regret in my eyes.

"SAMMY STOP!" Bridget yells.

Niall pulls Sammy back and gives her a hug and a kiss in hopes of calming her down. Bridget walks over to me and examines my cheek. Without another word she takes my hand in hers and we both walk downstairs and into the kitchen. She silently walks over to the freezer and pulls out a bag of frozen corn. She walks back over to me and gently puts it on my face.

We walk back upstairs and into our room. Sammy is standing by the door of the bathroom when we get in there and Niall is sitting on our bed.

"Okay Sammy I get your upset but I can handle myself. I still love you though because that was one hell of a slap." Bridget says and they both start laughing.

Sammy and Niall walk out of our room and into their room, then they close their door. Oh I guess they will be using that bowl of condoms now. I smile comes to my lips because of my dirty thoughts. When I look back at Bridget she is grabbing one of my sweatshirts and pulling it over her bra. Wait when did she change?...Probably when I was thinking about what Niall and Sammy are doing in there bedroom....She walks back over to me with only my sweatshirt and her underwear on.

I stand up and pull of my swim shorts and pull on dry underwear and sweatpants.

"Oh my god you could at least warn me when you are going to strip nude!" Bridget whisper yells.

All I do is chuckle and climb under the covers with her and I pull her into my arms.

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