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Hey guys just wanted to let you know I have started a new story and it's called Locked in. It's another One direction fan fiction. Help me get noticed please!!(: Thanks to all of the people who keep on reading Summer camp...Summer Love. It really means a lot. I love all of my readers. <3

Bridget POV

Where the hell am I? all I know is I woke up on some big guys back. Of course I immediately started freaking out but that only pissed the big guy off. Oops. He threatened to drag me by my hair and I figured that wouldn't be very comfortable so I shut up.

"Soooo what's your name? Because you do know that I am going to keep calling you big guy until you tell me your real name don't you?" I ask trying to make some conversation.

"Mhmph." Is all I heard from big guy.

"Well then can you at least tell me where we are? Because right now all I can see are trees everywhere.." I say trailing off. This time I didn't even get a response. How rude. I always thought I would have been screaming or freaking out if this ever happened to me, and now that it actually is happening I am strangely calm. my thoughts are interrupted by someone's phone ringing, well its obviously not mine so it must be big guys.

"Hello?" Big guy says.

"Yes....well no......okay....okay....I understand....I will get right on that sir." Big guy says before hanging up.

"Who was it?" I ask curiously.

"Nobody for you to worry about." Big guy says simply.

"Oh really. I am being dangled off of some big guys back and I have no idea where the hell I am. So your honestly telling me not to worry? Who in the hell are you to tell someone not to worry in a situation like this!?!" I say suddenly getting frustrated.

"Whoa there feisty. Calm down. I'm the one who gets to decide whether you stay alive or join the after life so if I were you I would shut up." Big guy says simply.

I immediately shut my mouth and decide to give him the silent treatment. If this is how its gonna be then fine.  Well I guess the silent treatment will start after I pee.

"Big guy I have to pee." I say sweetly.

"Hold it." Big guy says calmly.

"Okay that will work just fine. Ya know I have always wondered what peeing on someone upside down felt like, I guess now is my chance to find out." I say smirking to myself.

"Alright, Alright you can pee. No funny ideas or I will drag you to the place we are going. And trust me that wont be comfortable with the amount of spiders and bugs and sticks and snakes that are crawling around here." Big guy says with a small laugh.

As soon as lets me off his back/ shoulder I stretch and walk behind a tree to pee. As soon as I get done doing my business I walk back over to Big guy.

"Okie Dokie im done." I say.

"Wow im surprised you didn't try to run away." Big guy says.

" Yeah im not that stupid." I say laughing slightly.

Big guy picks me up and throws me over his shoulder again and starts walking.

"Oh and your first clue is a wee bit of a riddle. We are not what you think we are." Big guy says.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask but I don't get an answer. I get silence.

Skylar POV

It is our first day back and we cant even find Bridget. I miss her so freakin much. Sure we may not have been as close as her and Sammy are but that doesn't mean I don't love her any less. I love her like a sister.

"Okay now lets all calm down. Sammy and Louis try to stop crying. The more you cry the more you are reminded of the fact that she is gone. So instead of being weak lets get ourselves together and be strong." I try giving them all a pep talk. It seems to work because everyone stands up tall and stops crying or looking at their feet.

"She is right guys. We really need to stop moping and try to get to the bottom of this whole situation." Liam says.

Everyone goes quiet again and you can tell we are all deep in thought. Just as we are all being quiet we here a phone ringing from the office. Louis is the first one up and running to the office and we all follow. I am two steps behind him and when he gets into the office we find out that it wasn't a phone call, it was a text message.

The text says, We are not what you think we are. Good job with not contacting the police so far. Your Bridget is in good hands. She hasn't been harmed. Yet. 

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