To forgive or not to forgive

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Louis POV

"Can you please tell me what in the hell is going on?" I ask Niall.

"I honestly dont think you want to know." Niall says with tears streaming down his face.

"Niall. Of course i want to know man. You are crying for gods sake. What did Sammy do?" I ask expectantly.

"It wasnt Sammy." Niall crys harder.

'Oh. Then what happened? Just tell me!" I ask again growing impatient.

"Well this morning i woke up to getting a text from an unknown number. It was a picture of Sammy kissing a guy. I immediatley got really upset and i went down to the pool to think things out. When Sammy came down she asked what was wrong and when i showed her the picture i didnt give her a chance to explain. Well we allknow how my anger problems can get. I called her some harsh names and said some harsh things. Then i punched her twice in the face." Niall sobs while falling onto the floor into a ball.

I didnt know how to respond to what he had just said. Well it does explain why Bridget was so upset. And it does explain why i haven't seen Sammy around here. OH SHIT.

"Niall get up!" I say frantically.

"What is it im kind of in the middle of feeling pretty guilty here." Niall snaps.

"The photo shoot is in 3 hours!" If you made Sammy run off into the woods and Bridget went after her then how the hell are we supposed to get them back here?!?" I ask while waving my hands in the air.

"Shit your right. She wont want to be all lovey dovey with me after what i did to her though." Niall explains.

"You are absolutley right. But i have an idea. Clean yourself up and clean up the cabin as well. I will be back." I say while heading out the door and over to one of the golf carts.

I start up the golf cart and start driving around the entire wood area. When i see a body laying on the ground i halt to a stop. I jump out of the golf cart and run over to it. Sure enough it was Sammy. i shake her repeatedly and call her name. When she sarts fluttering her eyes open she looks at me confused.

"Where am i?" She asks.

"You are in the middle of the woods. You ran out here after a fight with Niall. He punched you twice but he has anger problems. It is nothing he can control. He may have said some harsh things to you also. you need to forgive him though. He is a complete and total mess without you and he knows what he did wrong. We have to be at a photo shoot soon so will you come with me?" I explain ehaling after i finish.

"Sure and of course i will forgive him. If he honestly cannot control it then i will not hold it against him." She says while standing up. Her eye is black and purple and its swollen pretty bad.

"If it helps when i walked into the room bridget was beating the living shit outta Niall." I say with a small smile playing on my lips. She starts laughing and sits on the golf cart.

"Well lets go! I want to go to that photo shoot!" She says with a grin.

"You got it." And with that we headed back to the cabin.

Sorry i know its short but its late and a school night. I wanted to update anyway so here ya gooo(: I dont have any comments yet but i would really like some! Comment ideas or inbox me! I am always open for your input! Love you all <3

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