Fan Mail and Photoshoots

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Sammy POV

I wake up to Nialls phone ringing qutie loudly. I turn on the bedside lamp and look at the time 4:02 in the freaking morning. Who in the hell could possibly be calling this early. I shake Niall awake, even though i have no idea how he hasnt woke up yet.

"Yeah what is it babe?" Niall says groggily.

"Niall how have you not woken up? Your phone has been ringing very loudly." I say while rubbing my eyes.

Niall reaches over and grabs his phone and puts it to his ear. 'Yeah' He talks into the phone. 'Okay' long pause then 'Alright Bye.' Niall puts his phone back on the bedside table and i look at him waiting for him to tell me who it was and what they wanted. As soon as he turns back around his eyes meet mine.

"Dont worry it was just management babe." Niall says while pecking my lips.

"Well what did they say?" I ask curiously.

"Just that they are going to be sending fan mail over and that all of us boys are going to a photoshoot next week and we are taking individual pictures with our girlfriends." Niall says like its no big deal.

"OHMYGOD NIALL!" I shreik.

"what what?!?!" He asks in confusion.

"We are going to be in a photoshoot?!??" I ask again,

'Well yeah is that a problem?" Niall asks still confused.


"Yeah i bet she will already be awake since you are screaming your head off...." Niall says sarcastically.

"HAH no Bridget sleeps in forever and is a veryyyy heavy sleeper-" I say but get interrupted by the door opening.

"I however am not a heavy sleeper so would you ever so kindly shut the hell up." Louis says grumpily, while closing the door and walking back into their room.

"Okay Alright i guess i will have to wait until later to tell her!" I say feeling defeated.

"Good girl now come here and snuggle with me you sexy beast." Niall smirks.

"Yes master." I say cheekily while scooting closer to him.

***six hours later***

I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I look over at Niall and he is still snoring away with his arms wrapped protectivley around me. I shake Niall awake.

"Niall do you smell that?" I ask Niall while he rubs his eyes.

"PANCAKES!" NIall screams while jumping out of bed and sprinting down the stairs.

I chuckle to myself before walking over to the bathroom to take a piss and brush my teeth. When i look in the mirror i look terrible. I run a brush through my hair and then put it up in a cute messy bun. I put on a little chapstick since my lips are really dry.

I walk downstairs and find Niall and Louis sitting at the table with a huge stack of pancakes sitting in the middle of the table.

"Holy shit how much did you make?" I ask Louis.

"Well i got hungry and i knew Niall would would want some then i figured you and Bridget would want some so i just made as much as i figured we would eat." Louis explains.

"Ohh i gotcha...speaking of Bridget, where is she?" I ask again,

"Still sleeping away like sleeping beauty.' Louis says with a smile.

"Alright i will see if i can wake the beast up." I say while walking away.

"Oh yeah dont forget to tell her about to the photoshoot!" Niall yells.

Before i leave the room completley i spin around and ask Niall, "Oh yeah when is that again?"

"Next Thursday at noon will when we do it and when the other lovebirds get back they will be doing theirs." Niall explains. After he gets done explaining i sprint upstairs and into Bridget and Louis's room.

When i open the door i see Bridget sound asleep tangled in the blankets. Will this will be fun trying to wake her up.....

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