Why Bridget.

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Louis POV

Out of all people why Bridget? Why did this have to happen to Bridget? I mean seriously I love her so much and now she is gone. She had been taken so fast that I don't even remember what the last thing I said to her was. I am glad that she hasn't been harmed....yet. I really have no idea what I would do if anything happened to her. She is my life and soul, wrapped up into a beautiful lady. Not only would I be a wreck but then that would make my performances a wreck. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on a single thing. Hell I cant even focus on anything right now and she isn't even dead! Okay well I cant think about her dying anymore because I am already starting to cry again. It has been a few days now and the dance is in a week. We have received multiple messages saying she is alive or saying hints or riddles or small stuff but nothing that can really help us find her.

I swear I will probably die from a broken heart if I don't see her soon. Sammy hasn't been able to speak to anyone for the past two days and she hasn't eaten anything but a strawberry that Niall had to shove into her mouth and move her jaw just to get her to chew. Everyone looks like zombies walking around. Nobody has showered- not even Zayn or Brittney. Barely anyone has been eating and the only one who has had more than a handful of chips was Niall and he only had a piece of bread. All of my thoughts are interrupted by her phone ringing. This time it wasn't a text. It was a phone call.

"Hello?" I ask quickly. By now everyone has realized I am on Bridget's phone and they all gathered around.

"Hello there Louis. I need you to stay real calm right now for me because the more you get upset the more Bridget gets hurt." The unknown voice says.

I immediately try to slow my breathing and take deep breaths.

"Okay now what do you want from us? Money? Is that what this is about?" I ask trying to sound calm.

"Well well well you are handling this very nicely...Maybe you don't love her as much as we thought you did. Hah well okay then! Yes of course we want money but I am not exactly sure how much yet." The guy says.

"Of course I love her you sick bastard!" I start shouting but he interrupts me.

"Tsk tsk. Okay give Bridget another round now." I hear the guy say followed by Bridget yelping in pain.

"Okay okay stop I get it!!" I say trying to get them to stop.

"Oh don't you worry friend. This isn't half as bad as what we have been doing to her." That's all I hear before I hand the phone to Niall and run into the bathroom to vomit up the little amount of food I have eaten.

Sorry everyone this was just a filler chapter. I have been insanely busy lately. Thanks for the reads so far(:

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