You say what now

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Bridget POV

Now all eyes were definitely on us.

"Now everyone we are having some special guests coming here this summer and I expect you to treat them fairly. If you don't like them then fine but you don't need to harass them. If you are even a tad bit obsessed with them, you need to suck it up and not bother them constantly."

"Excuse me sorry but Ms. Laura I don't see why we need to be standing up here for this." I say

"Oh well here is where you girls come in, each one of you will be giving each one of them a tour here. There are five of them and five of you so it works out evenly that way."

"Well now we really gotta know who it is because the suspension is killing me!" Sammy adds.

"Now you girls will be giving One Direction a tour here."

"We wha-what?" Us girls say in unison.

"You heard me. Bridget you will be showing Louis around. Sammy you will be showing Niall around. Nicole you will be showing Liam around. Skylar you will be showing Harry around. And Brittney you will be showing Zayn around."

You see here We aren't in love with one direction but we don't hate them. We may listen to a couple of their songs here and there. But we don't spend our lives stalking them and getting every poster there is of them. So when she said we would be giving them a tour we were a bit surprised.

"Okay Now girls go outside they will be waiting on the dock to the lake by your cabin." Ms. Laura whispers to us while covering up the mike so that all the Fan girls in the room don't go on a rampage.

"Okay thank you." Nicole says softly.

We all walk out nonchalantly. Earning a few waves from some of our guy friends that we haven't had a chance to catch up with yet.

When we finally get outside we all look at each other with the same feeling glowing in our eyes. None of us wanted to say something because we had no idea what to say. I decided to be the first one to say something.

"Okay gals we just have to put our best poker faces on and walk up to them and get started with this. But I have a little idea with how we can mess with the guys."

"So what your saying is that we get to mess with the biggest boy band in the world?" Skylar asks.

"Yes and we are going to do it in the best way possible." I smirk.

"Okay enlighten us with your plans my leader." Brittney adds.

"Well we walk over there and pretend like we have no idea who is who let alone that they are One direction. Then I totally screw with them and say something like wow you lot are sure cute but its just a shame really.... Then Sammy you keep going with 'Yeah it is a shame that you all are gay Virgins.' And by Now you can picture their Horrified expressions. But we keep going. Nicole you pipe up and say 'Yeah the leader of the camp told all the guys to stay away from you because your gay, and for the girls not to step a foot near you because she doesn't want them making a move on you."

"OHMYGOD Bridgey that's amazing did you just come up with that now?" Brittney asks.

"Yeah actually I did and I forgot the best part.... Skylar and Brittney you guys get to get this all on a recording."

"YESSSS SCORE!" Skylar whisper shouts.

"Okay lady's lets do this!" I say almost too excitedly.

We all start walking over to the dock and when we are only like ten feet away all the guys turn around to look at us and we can already tell that they are checking us all out. You can literally see their eyes going up and down our body's. I glanced back and forth between my girls and they are already smirking and I can see how excited they are for this little plan of mine.

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