Wakey Wakey

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Bridget POV

I wake up to Sammy banging pots and pans together.

"Sammy what the hell?" I ask trying to fall back asleep

"Wake up sleepy head I have stuff to tell you and if you don't get up then Niall and Louis will eat all of the pancakes and we will get nothing!" Sammy says while freaking out.

"Okay calm your ta-tas im up." I say while rubbing my eyes.

"Good now go make your self presentable because there is so much I need to tell you!" Sammy says excitedly.

I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom I French braid my hair and brush my teeth. I take a piss then put on a little mascara and chapstick. Once I am out of the bathroom I see that Sammy has made my bed and was sitting on the bed patiently waiting for me to be done.

"OKAY now that you are done I can tell you!" Sammy says excitedly.

"Oh yes please do enlighten me with what you had to wake me up to tell me." I say sarcastically.

"Okay well this morning me and Niall had woken up to his phone ringing and it was like 4:00 when this happened. Well anyway when Niall got off the phone he said it was just management and that they said they are sending fan mail and that me and you are going with Louis and Niall to a photo shoot next Wednesday!" Sammy says, screaming the last part.

"OHMYGOD you cannot be serious!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Oh trust me am I as serious as I will ever be!" Sammy says with a huge smile.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" I screamed again. Then my stomach growled really loud and I remembered I haven't eaten yet and I still wanna say good morning to Louis.

Me and Sammy walked downstairs while chatting about the photo shoot. When we walked into the kitchen there were four pancakes on the table with plates, forks, and syrup. But the boys weren't in the kitchen and we had no idea where they were. We decided to just sit there and eat and then go look for the boys.

After we were done eating we looked around the first floor but nothing. Then we went outside and nothing. Then we went upstairs and stopped in front of my Sammy's closed bedroom door. We were about to go inside when we heard voices. We stopped and decided to eavesdrop.

"So Babe you wanna have a go on the Niall ride tonight?" We heard Niall say.

I turned to Sammy and she had tears in her eyes and she ran away and I was about to go after her when I heard Louis voice.

"How about you babe do you wanna have a go on the Louis ride too?" I hear Louis ask. Before I hear anymore I run to find Sammy with tears in my eyes.

Once I find Sammy, she looks up at me and sees that I am crying too.

"Ohmygod he did it to you too!" Sammy said with tears streaming down her face.

"Yeah..." I say while looking down.

"We have to get the hell outta here." Sammy says while looking at me.

"And where are we going to go?" I ask Sammy.

All she does is stand up and beckon for me to follow her, so I do.

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