What to do What to do

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Okay so I uploaded a new chapter called trust issues and it was supposed to upload before talking things out but it didn't and idek why it didn't -.-  But here is another chapter so enjoy! (:

Louis POV

Ohmygod what have i done. Now she is going to hate me forever and never want to speak to me again. She honestly thinks me and Niall would cheat on her and Sammy... I need to talk to Niall pronto.

As i am walking towards the office i keep thinking about what me and Niall did that would make the girls think that we are cheating on them. Once I got to the office I came up with 3 logical reasons why the girls would think that we are cheating on them. I open the door and Niall is sitting there deep in thought.

"Niall mate we have a problem." I say snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah what is it?" Niall looks at me with curiosity clear in his eyes.

"The girls...they think we are cheating on them." I say while looking down.

"Wait...what?" Niall asks while standing to his feet.

"Yeah Bridget asked me why me and you were cheating on her and Sammy.. and when I didn't respond she sais that's what I thought and ran out of the room and I am assuming she came in here and got Sammy. Didn't she?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"Yeah...she did. Her eyes were all puffy and her face was all red too." Niall says while he looks at me with a frown on his face.

"Okay well I only have three reasonable reasons why they would think that we are cheating on them." I say while pausing to look at Niall.

"Okay well go on." Niall reply's.

"Well they could have gone on a social media site and saw false photos, they could have seen false photos in a magazine with false tabloids or they could have overheard our conversation with each other when we were practicing what we  would say to them the first time we want to do it with them." I say while glancing at Niall.

"It is most likely the last one, But either way we need to find them and explain." Niall says with determination in his eyes.

"Your right lets go. I will drive." I say while walking out of the room. He follows me and we get our shoes on and go to the golf cart. We get onto the cart and immediately start driving. Once we start driving I hear voices not to far away. I go in the direction that I hear the voices coming from.

Sure enough once I find them I start slowing down so we can eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I really liked him Sammy.. Not only liked but loved. I honestly did think he was different then all the other pop stars in the world but I was sadly mistaken." Bridget says while sobbing.

I cant believe I hurt her this much. This is killing me I love her so much and now I have led her to believe that I don't love her.

"I know exactly how you feel. Me and Niall were so right for each other and I loved everything about him. The way he looked in a swimsuit, the way our hands fit together, the way we would cuddle, even the way he looked at me when he would wake up." Sammy says while putting her head in her hands.

I look over at Niall and he looks as if he is about to cry. I start driving over to the girls slowly so they wouldn't hear us. We pull up behind them and get off the cart. I go up behind Bridget and pull her into a hug and Niall does the same for Sammy. Bridget and Sammy both immediately pull away and I can see the pain in their eyes.

"Get the hell away from me Louis." Bridget snaps.

"Yeah and you get the hell away from me Niall." Sammy yells at Niall.

"No girls listen you have to let us explain!" Niall yells back.

"Fine. We are listening." Sammy says while crossing her arms, Bridget following her actions.

"Okay well im assuming you heard me and Niall's conversation in Niall and Sammy's bedroom. We weren't talking to anybody. We were talking to each other. We trying out pick up lines on each other." I explain hopefully.

The girls stand there while looking at each other.

"So you guys were not on the phone with some bimbos?" Bridget questions with one eyebrow raised.

"No. Hell no. I love you too much to do that to you." I say while walking towards her.

Niall walks up to Sammy and they hug and kiss and start having a heated make out session. I pull Bridget into a hug and peck her lips.

"I would never do something like that babe." I whisper into her ear.

"Good, I believe you." Bridget smiles at me.

I walk with her back to the golf cart because we were feeling a little uncomtorble with Sammy and Niall making out right by us. I drive us back to the cabin and we go upstairs and into our bedroom. I lead her over to the bed and we immediately start making out. Things start getting pretty heated and lets just say I will be using one of those condoms in a little while. 

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