Pranks and First Impressions

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Skylar POV

"Well hello boys" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Hello ladies" Harry says mostly eyeing me.

Now Bridget is already diving right into her plan and I could tell she was trying her best not to laugh.

"Wow you boys sure are cute....It's just quite a shame though really...." Bridget starts off.

"Wait what is a shame?" Louis asks.

"The fact that you all are gay virgins!" Sammy continues.

"WHAT!" all the boys share the same horrified expression.

"Yeah the lead counselor of the camp told all the guys to stay away from you since your gay and for all the girls to stay away from you as well!" Nicole bites her lip trying not to laugh.

"OHMYGOD I AM NOT GAY.....OR A VIRGIN!!!!!" Louis screams at the top of his lungs.

"WELL NEITHER AM I OR THE REST OF THE BOYS!!" Liam shouts frantically.

That's when us girls couldn't handle it anymore and we burst into laughter, when Bridget calms herself down a bit she turns to me.

"Ohmygoodness did you get all of that?" she asks in between giggles.

"You betcha!" I say back.

Louis POV

Ohmygod. I seriously thought they were serious for a while there. I mean by the way they were laughing they had to be joking....Right? I hope so... I mean I am DEFINATLEY not gay or a virgin and I know for a fact that none of the boys are gay or virgins because they all bring girls home.

"You ladies are joking.....Right?" I ask hesitantly.

"You guys should have seen your faces though I mean seriously of course we were joking!" Bridget I think her name is says back......Damn she is fit.

I eye her up and down again because just....Damn. I mean don't get me wrong I still think it was cruel of them to mess with us like that but they got guts making fun of the biggest boy band in the world.

Bridget POV

'We actually were told to come here to get a tour by some girls...." Liam says.

"Yeah those girls are actually pretty Bitchy so I would watch out." Brittney says sending us a secretive wink.

"Yeah they are Whores who will try to get into bed with anyone especially you lads." Nicole adds.

"Well It's a shame I kinda wanted you guys to give us the tour.... I mean because you seem funny and you have guts...." Niall says while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh poo that really does suck doesn't it." Sammy says while sending Niall the fakest frown I have ever seen.

Just after that we all couldn't contain it anymore we just had to laugh again. The boys all looked pretty confused. Eh why not take them outta their misery?

"HAH we got you twice in not even a half hour and we just met you!" I say while smiling proudly.

'Well now we know that you guys are the bitchy whores giving us the tour why not we learn some names?" Harry says sending us a smirk.

"Well we were just kidding about all that.. we really aren't bitchy or whores for that matter. We may not have a lot of girls as friends but that's only because they are to Drama filled. And we may hang out with a good amount of boys but that is only because they aren't afraid to hold back when we are playing like football or something!" Skylar says.

"Well that makes sense I guess but can we know your names now? And who is giving who a tour?" Louis asks impatiently.

"UGH FINE whatever floats your boat", I start earning a couple weird looks from people. "Im Bridget and I'm giving Louis a tour. That's Sammy and she is giving Niall a tour." I say pointing to Sammy.

"Yeah and Im Brittney and I am giving Zayn a tour." Brittney pipes up.

"Im Skylar and im giving Harry a tour, and that's Nicole and she is giving Liam a tour." Skylar says while pointing to Nicole.

"Well not trying to be awkward or anything but you girls are definitely good looking." Harry says simply.

"Yeah I agree but its still awkward!" Louis shrieks.

"Well this is going to be interesting" I think aloud.

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