All lovey dovey

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Harry's POV

Jeez I have never liked someone this much before. I usually just have flings with people but its different with her for some reason. I cant even control my feelings for her, I think I love her and I am not afraid to admit it. The bonfire is in two hours and all the boys and the girls are going to be there. Who knows maybe Louis Liam and Niall are going to make a move?... You never know.

"Lads so what are we supposed to wear for this thing?" I ask.

"Well mate seeing how I just got done swimming I still need to shower and change." Louis reply's.

"Well I could go next door and ask the girls if you would like?" Liam states.

"Why not we all do it!" Niall says.

"Nialler we know you just want to see Sammy again but hey we all kinda wanna see those girls again anyway so lets go for it." I say back to Niall.

"Okay lets go lads." Zayn says coolly.

We all start walking over to the girls cabin which is just across from us but before we walk in we silently stand on the porch because we hear the girls talking about us.

"Well we went swimming and had an amazing time and I think I am ALREADY starting to get feelings for him!" Bridget says.

"Well I really like Liam but he likes some other chick here and she helps get his mind off of Danielle! I kinda figured I wouldn't have a chance with him in the first place..." Nicole trails off.

"Nicole hun I am almost positive that Liam likes you because of the way he looks at you when you aren't looking! You should have seen him at lunch while we were all eating!" Brittney says.

"I seriously doubt that..." Nicole says with a frown.

"Well I have a serious problem here girls. I didn't know it was possible to like a guy this much! Niall is just so  perfect and ugh his eyes...they definitely have a charm in them. While me and him were making out I couldn't help but think I was the luckiest girl on earth." Sammy says.

"Well at least you aren't the one that basically rejected one of the sexiest guys to walk on earth! I feel like such an idiot, like honestly I think I like Harry a lot but I panicked so I didn't know what to say!" Skylar says while throwing her hands in the air.

"GIRLS listen to us for god sakes! We are head over heels for guys we just met this morning! It is our first day here at camp and Brittney already is dating Zayn and each of us are really falling for the others. Does this not sound crazy to any of you? I think the craziest part is we cant even control any of our feelings for them. Our feelings come so naturally. To think we were just some fans the other day that would listen to their songs when we felt down because their music was  the  only music that could make us happy." Bridget explains.



"Okay girls calm down but what is your idea?" Nicole asks.

"Well since Bridget is the only one here that has her bellybutton pierced why not Bridget pierces our bellybuttons, then we can all wear crop tops and we would look HAWT." Sammy says getting really excited.

With that us guys thought it would be better to go back to our cabin and just figure out what we wanted to wear on our own.

Brittney POV

This was it. I was getting my bellybutton pierced. Here goes nothing.

"Do you know what your doing?" I ask Bridget hesitantly.

"Of course silly now hold very still and bite down on this towel so that you don't scream." Bridget says like its nothing.

"O-Okay." I stutter nervously.

"Okay now Skylar come put the ice cubes on her stomach." Bridget instructs.

Skylar does as she is told and let me tell you something. ICE CUBES ARE FREEZING COLD. There are five ice cubes on my stomach and it is soo cold.

Bridget starts counting to three and I slam my eye lids shut. All of a sudden I fell pain in my bellybutton and I look down and there is a cute bellybutton ring.

I open my eyes and stand up and admire myself in the mirror. I was just in my bra so that it would be easier to do the piercing and lemme tell you something.... Harry may or not be getting a boner when e sees me later ;)

Bridget repeats the process with Sammy, Nicole and Brittney and by time we are all done we only have 45 minutes left to get ready.

"Okay now that that is done we can start picking out outfits." Bridget explains. "I have TONS of crop tops so If you need one just ask!" Bridget smiles.

Sorry about the fact that the chapters have been a little short  I am trying to make them longer(: Thanks for supporting my book to those who are actually reading it.

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