Trust issues.

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Sammy POV

I honestly cant believe Niall would cheat on me. Seriously I thought he was different that the other pop stars out there but obviously he is just the same. Oh and I cant forget about Louis. Louis is just the  same. I was pulling Bridget through the house until we got to the office. We walked in and closed and locked the door.

"Okay we aren't leaving but I have an idea." I said as I walked silently over to the door and opened slightly to make sure neither of the boys were around.

"What is your idea? I don't really want to stay here anymore...."Bridget trails off.

"Well we are going to make the boys or should I say dick heads jealous of us and make them wish they had never ever cheated on us. But the best part is that they are not going to know that we know that they cheated on us." I say smirking as evilly as I could with a broken heart.

"So what do you have in mind?" Bridget asks with hope filling her voice.

"We are going to dress in clothes that reveal our bodies more than usual. Like walking around in just our bra and underwear. Then doing a heavy make out session and tricking them into thinking you are going to do more, then you just stop entirely and act natural. Just stuff like that..." I say hoping she gets the idea.

"Ohmygod you are brilliant. I love you so much.......As a friend." Bridget smiles a genuine smile.

"Okay lets do this tiger." I say giving her a hug. We walk out and look into both of our rooms and find out that neither of the boys are in either of our rooms. Prefect. We walked into our own rooms and stripped off our clothes and put on our lace underwear and lace/close to see through bras. We walked slowly but sexily down the stairs. As soon as we emerged into the living room we see the boys playing Xbox.

We walk in front of the TV and both boys drop the controllers as they drop their jaws.

"Just thought we would let you know that we are going to be working on the dance for a little bit in the office." Bridget says with a small smile.

We walk out of the room and back upstairs, I turn around to see if the boys were following and sure enough they were, but they didn't even notice me looking at them because they were staring at our asses. I turn around and smirk at Bridget and she catches on and we both start swaying our hips a little more with every step just to torture them.

When we walk into the office we both sit in front of the computers and start planning the theme of the dance. We look up to see the boys sitting on stools a couple feet away...still staring at us.

"So do you boys wanna help?" I say in a seductive tone.

Niall looks right at me and says "Of course babe."

He walks over to me, picks me up, sits on the chair, then puts me on his lap. Louis does the same thing for Bridget.

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