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Sammy POV

After i told Bridget that i love NIall her jaw dropped and she didnt know what to say so i told her not to say anything at all. She said she was going to go find Louis and  i told her i was fine with that. I walked over to the dock and sat on the edge of the dock and let my feet dangle into the water. It was really relaxing but i was starting to get hungry...not surprisingly. i was deep into my thoughts until i heard footsteps apporoaching from behind. I turned around to see the one and only love of my life.

"Niall what are you doing here?" I ask

"Looking for you,but now that i found you i have something to say." Niall says pretty confidentally.

"Okay go ahead..." 

"Well Sammy i really like you...Its more than that. I love you. I am not afraid to admit or even say it aloud. You make me so happy when im around you and you  always make me laugh.You are the most gorgeous person i have ever laid eyes on and your smile has the power to brighten up anyones day. I know people might think its crazy and not possible for people to fall in love in one day, especially it being the first day we met, but i think that it just makes us even more special. You may think im crazy but I love you and i just thought you should know that. But is there any chance that you feel the same way about me?" 

I dont even need to reply instead i just jump on top of him and we land on the ground with a loud thud. My body is on top of his and when he opesn his eyes he smiles at me. Before he can do or say anyhting else i lean down closing the small space between us and we kiss so passionatley. After we start the kiss there is no way it can end so suddenly. He bites my bottom lip basically asking for entrance into my mouth and i let him. I open my mouth slightly and his tongue slides right in. Our tongues go together perfectly and it is just the best feeling in the world. Niall stops for a second to catch his breathy.

"I take that as a yes then?" He asks with a big smile on his face.

"Of course that is a yes you idiot!" I smile really wide and once again he closes the gap in between us. We start to have another heated make out session until one of the bitchy girls from camp walks up to us anc clears her throat.

"EH HEM EXCUSE ME you little whore. You are kind of ruining my eyesight right now. And i would appreciate it if you would stop throwing yourself at Niall." She says with a bitchty grin on her face.

"EXCUSE ME but who do you think you are just coming up to this beautiful girl and insulting her like that? If anyone is a whore here it is you. I mean obviously, you really think it is neccessary to wear that much make up? We are at CAMP not some photo shoot for a clown magezine. She is not throwing herself at me, like i know you would. Your legs are probably open every night and every day, i even bet that all the guys think you are just some bicycle that they can ride anytime they want." Niall says with a smirk on his face. 

"Whatever. You obviously dont know what you just started here." She says flipping her hair.

"Oh i bet i do know what i started actually. Oh and what is your name again? I think its like Skank or something like that.....right?" Niall says firing back at her again.

"Ugh you stupid little shit my name is Courtney." She says like it is the most obvious thing ever.

"Okay buh bye." Niall says but she still continues to stand there.

"BITCH I think that was your cue to walk away now because you arent wanted over here." I say with a fake smile.

"Whatever you guys will probably just end up dating and breaking up in a week anyway."  She says while walking away.

"Finally the clown is gone!" Niall says while laughing and i laugh with him.

"Well Niall would you like to get something to eat?" I ask.

"Oh i would love to....I can never refuse an offer to eat!" Niall says while chuckling some more.

Bridget POV

I left Sammy a little while ago to go find Louis. I cant find him anywhere and its killing me to know where he is. I dont even know why it is bothering me so much but it just is! I turn a corner and i see Louis standing up against a wall. But he isnt alone. One of the Queen bitches followers is standing there trying to flirt with him.

Louis keeps trying to hint to her that he isnt interested but of course she cant take a hint. I walk up behind her and tap her shoulder. "Excuse me bitch but i couldnt help but overhear your convorstaion and i find it quite obvious that Louis here doesnt want anything to do with you so just get lost for me...Kay?" I say in a really bitchy tone.

"Who do you think you are?" The bitch says. Chloe i think her name is.

"I am one of Louis's good friends now get lost before i pull your fake hair extensions out." I say with a fake smile.

"Wow fiesty one you are..." Chloe mumbles while walking away.

"I am so glad you got rid of her because her face was actually scaring me a little bit..." Louis says while laughing.

"Haha well anyway i think everything is going to be okay between Niall and Sammy but you said you wanted to tell me something before we walked in on those two crazy lovers making out?" I state.

"Yeah but it can wait until later but how about that swim now because it is pretty damn hot out here!" Louis asks.

"Sure but we need to go to my cabin so i can get changed into my swimsuit first!" I reply.

"Okay sounds good to me!" Louis smiles.

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