Make out sessions.....Whatttt

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Brittney POV

Well this was weird. I mean Zayn and i had only just met and we were already full on makeing out. It happened so suddenly and i didnt know what to do so i went with just felt so Right. I wonder what he was thinking. I mean like I had stumbled up the steps to one of the activity cabins and i nearly fell on my face but he had caught me, then turned me around so that we were face to face. Did i mention he has the cutest laugh when he gets nervous? Well he does.....

"Zayn...." I try to get his attention in between gasps for air. He stops and looks at me straight in the EYEBALLS.

"Yeah Brittney?" He asks.

"Well i was wondering what was going on i mean you just started making out with me randomly...Are you just like lonely and i just so happen to be the one you get to use then i dont really want that to happen..." I say sort of trailing off.

"Nonono, babe thats not how it is at all. You are gorgeous and i knew there was something special about you the second you guys walked up. You are so funny and pretty and have such a nice personality not to mention how hot your body is...." Zayn says nervously.

"Ohmy... I didnt know you were thinking all of that..." I say.

"So um i know we just met and all but wold you maybe be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Zayn.....I dont know if i should be saying this but..... yeah i guess i mean but we should still try to take it slow even though we just had like an hour long makeout session.." I giggle.

"I know it may seem rushed and all but i dont think i could wait any longer to ask!" He says while pecking my lips. 


Before i could run out of the room he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers and we walk over to the Dock.

Bridget POV

Okay well Louis and wanted to get our swimsuits because we wanted to go for a swim but  when we walked into my cabin and as soon as we walked in we saw Niall and Sammy kissing. Not a weird full on makeout seesion but a nice passionate kiss.

"AWWWWWWWWWWW" Me and Louis say at the same time.

They scramble apart and Sammy runs outta the cabin. 

"Im going to go see what that was all about.." I say to Louis before leaving to go after Sammy.

As soon as i find Sammy she is sitting in a tree that she always thinks nobody will ever find her in but we all know that when she gets upset or has alot on her mind she comes here.

"Sammy hun are you okay?" I ask while attempting to climb up the tree.

"Im not upset or anything im just a little confused." Sammy replies.

"Well why not you come down here so we can talk it all out!!" I shout up to her. She climbs down easily and looks at me like 'you seriously couldnt get up that?''.

"HEY in my defense you know i have never been good at climbing things!" I say while pouting.

"Yeah yeah now about me and Niall.....I dont know what to think. We were totally bonding and since we both LOVE food we went back to the cabin to get some food out of our secret stash and when i opened the fridge we both went to grab the cookie dough at the same time and our hands touched. i felt sparks fly as soon as we touched and i kinda think he felt the sparks too. As soon as i pulled my hand away he looked at his feet and said 'You know you are really beautiful' and i could feel my cheeks getting really hot. I didnt know what else to do so i just took a step closer to him and he started leaning in. I followed his actions and he put one of his hands on the small of my back and his other hand wrapping around my upper back to pull me closer." She stopped to take a breath.

After she caught her breath she continued. " I instinctivlety wrapped my hands around his neck and as soon as our lips touched it felt amazing. i just i dont know what im feeling right now because i have never felt this way about anyone else before." 

"Well hun i know it may be weird but i think you have feelings for him...even though you just met, it is possible to develop those feelings if you really have a connection." I say.

"It isnt just that i have feelings for him Bridget." She says simply.

"Then what is it?" I ask slighlty confused.

"I-I think i am in love with him." She says with wide eyes.

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