Reunited at last

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Sammy POV

Louis had suddenly gotten up and left in a rush yesterday and we haven't heard from him since. We are all freaking out about this and if he is really okay and just went out for the hell of it then I am going his Tomlinson ass. None of has called him because we are too afraid of what would happen if we did. I suddenly get the balls to call him.

"Hello?" Louis asks.

"LOUIS WHAT THE HELL?!?" I scream at him.

"What, what happened?" Louis starts getting worried.

"You left yesterday and none of us knew where you went and we have all been worried sick. It is bad enough that Bridget is gone we don't need you up and leaving too!" I yell at him.

"Okay I understand. But I have a surprise for everyone so clean up the house and I will be home soon and I am sorry about leaving and not telling anyone where I went." Louis explains.

"Okay I will let the others know." I try to say happily but ever since Bridget got taken I just cannot seem to be happy. After I hang up the phone with Louis I walk back downstairs and go into the living room. Everyone is sitting there looking like death took over them.

"Guys I called Louis and he apologized and he said he is going to be home soon with a surprise. So that means we have to clean up this disaster." I say gesturing throughout the house.

"Do you have any idea what the surprise is?" Brittany asks.

"No not a clue but he seemed happy over the phone so it cant be that bad. Let's just try to forget about Bridget being gone for a little bit and do stuff to take our minds of it." I say encouragingly.

"You are absolutely right. Let's start cleaning up guys." Liam states.

We all start cleaning up and while I am cleaning Louis and Bridget's room I remember something.

"GUYS GIRLS OHMYGOD I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING!" I scream and they all rush into the room.

"What? What is it?!?" Skylar shouts frantically.

"The dance....It is tomorrow..." I say trailing off.

"Oh....And Bridget wont be here to experience the dance...." Harry says while looking down.

Suddenly we hear the car pull up and I put the last of the pillows on their bed and we all walk downstairs. I look at the others and they are all frowning at their feet.

"Guys." I say and all their heads snap up.

"TRY to look a little less like someone just killed your dog." I state.

They all straighten up and we sit on the couch and the chairs. We hear the front door open and we look in the direction of the door. When they turn the corner I feel so happy that I start crying.

"OHMYGOD BRIDGET" I scream jumping out my seat next to Niall and run over to her. Before I can throw my arms around her Louis steps in front of me.

"Louis what the hell move out of the way!" I shout at him, by now all the others are crowded by us waiting to hug Bridget.

"Take a minute and look at Bridget." Louis steps out of the way.

We all look at Bridget and sure enough she has a cast around her stomach and a cast around one of her legs, she has bruises all over her arm, the other arm in a cast. she has a very bad black eye and a huge cut in her lip going up the side of her face.

"Ohmygod....Bridget..." Niall says trailing off.

"Yesterday she called and I went to get her. She had managed to escape, despite all of her injuries. The main guy who was in charge of all this turned out to be insanely weak and all of his bodyguards were on break. She managed to hold him hostage and threatened not only his life but all of the people's lives that he loves. She was a real badass I tell you. He has promised to leave all of us alone and same goes for his bodyguards. I took her to the hospital right after and the fixed her all up, then with a little bribery I got them to release us as long as I promised that we wouldn't do anything that would hurt her further. A hug could hurt her badly because she has four broken ribs." Louis explains.

"I missed you guys so much." Bridget starts crying.

Sorry I know its short but I will update a longer chapter soon. I promise.

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