All things dance.

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Bridget POV

The night had been spent with many emotions, tears, and stories. I had also come to the conclusion that I am indeed going to the dance tomorrow, regardless of all my injuries. Louis and I are finally snuggled into bed and I am finally comfortable and I am not hungry anymore. It feels so nice to be in a nice cozy bed with my boyfriend and to have eaten a proper meal. I hope to be able to fall asleep tonight with no problems because tomorrow is the dance and I want to be able to look 100 percent beautiful, well as beautiful as I can be with all the casts and scratches and bruises. After all my thoughts went away I fell asleep peacefully and dreamed about growing old with Louis and living next door to Sammy and Niall, so that our kids can become good friends together.

**The next morning**

Brittney POV

I had just woken up in Zayn's arms on the couch at the cabin that Sammy and Bridget are staying at. I took my phone out and looked at the time. OH CRAP it is already ten! The Dance starts at four thirty and us girls need our time to get ready! I jumped out of Zayn's arms and he didn't even stir. Walking two feet to the left were Nicole and Liam laying on the floor so I shook Nicole awake and told her the time which made her have a spasm and freak out, she jumped up and Liam only moved a little but remained sleeping. Next was Skylar. I walked a few feet to the right and shook her awake then made her aware of the time which made her shriek. I expected at least one of the boys to wake up to that but no they all layed passed out.

The three of us girls bounded up the stairs first to Sammy's room. We flung open the door and stopped dead in our tracks.  The position Sammy and Niall were in was just the cutest thing ever. I snapped a picture quick before running over to wake up Sammy. Of course as soon as I made her aware of the time she leaped into the air and started freaking out. Next was Bridget. Oh boy. Bridget doesn't like getting up, and the pain from her injuries wont make this any easier.

As soon as we got in front of her door we all looked at each other.

"Okay who is going to do the deed of waking the queen from her beauty sleep?" Nicole asks.

"Nose goes!" I whisper scream, and Nicole and Skylar throw their hands to their noses. Sammy tries to quickly touch her nose but ends up smacking herself in the face.

"Sammy you gotta go wake her up!" Skylar says.

"I hate that game. I always lose." Sammy pouts as she opens the door. The rest of us stand in the door way watching- a safe distance I would say.

Sammy walks over to the side Bridget is on and starts tapping her arm lightly. Bridget doesn't even move the slightest bit. Sammy starts shaking her arm but Bridget still doesn't move. Sammy then walks around to the other side of the bed and slaps Louis on the leg. Louis sits straight up in bed.

"Wasgoingon?!" Louis asks while still trying to open his eyes.

"Can you wake up Bridget please? I really don't want to..." Sammy asks with a small smile.

"Sure." Louis says simply.

Louis leans in really close to Bridget and kisses her cheek. Bridget starts to move a little.

"Babe wake up the girls need you for something and its urgent." Louis says. And just like that Bridget sits up in bed.

"Yes girls?" Bridget says after yawning.

"Bridgey its already fifteen after ten. We gotta start getting ready for the dance." Brittney says from the door way.

"Okay." And with that Bridget gets up and walks over to us.

"WOW what happened to you attacking anyone who woke you up from your beauty sleep?" Skylar asks with big eyes.

"I don't really know... I think with all the medication I am on I am like way calmer now." Bridget says.

"Oh ha ha okay. Lets go to the room at the back of the house that we haven't used for anything. It's pretty big and is just basically an open space." Sammy says.

All of us get everything we could possibly need and go to the back room. We set up stations. There is a nail station, hair station, make up station, waxing station, and a getting dressed station. We make sure we are putting on our dresses last because we wouldn't wanna get anything on them like nail polish or make up.

*** 5 hours later***

Nicole POV

We all look stunning. I am wearing a white strapless dress that goes down to mid thigh. There are black lace flowers at the breast section and flowing down the dress in separate areas. I am wearing black high heel pumps with it. My hair is in loose curls and my bangs hang loosely as well. I have black eyeliner with mascara, sparkly silver eye shadow, pink lipstick but no blush because I hate blush.

Skylar is wearing a greenish teal dress that goes down to mid thigh and is a little poofier than mine. there are silver type sparkle gems around the breasts, and she is wearing white high heel pumps. Her hair is also in loose curls and her bangs are clipped behind their head forming a bump to give her a more dressy look and to finish it all off there are white small flowers scattered around in her hair. Her make up is similar to mine, black eyeliner, green shimmery eye shadow, mascara, and sparkly pink lip gloss.

Bridget is wearing a pink dress that goes down to mid thigh and is poofy, the dress itself is strapless but there is a lace strap that goes over one shoulder and then the lace starts at the breasts and fades when it gets farther down the dress. She is wearing black high heel pumps. Her bangs start a braid and the braid wraps behind her head. The rest of her hair is curled loosely. Her make up is black eyeliner, mascara, light black shimmery eye shadow, and not darker pink lip gloss.  

Brittney is wearing a white dress that rests just above mid thigh. It is a little on the poofy side but not much. It is strapless and has silver jems that cover the breasts and form lines down her torso. She is dark blue high heel pumps. Her hair is in an up do that shows the curls.  Her make up is black eyeliner, mascara, silver eye shadow, and red lipstick.

Sammy is wearing a strapless dress that is white around the breasts and is a mixture of the colors light blue and very light purple for the rest of the dress. There are jems around the breasts. She is wearing dark purple high heel pumps. Her hair is curled but her bangs are in a waterfall braid behind her head. Her make up is black eyeliner, mascara, white shimmery eye shadow, a pink sparkly lip gloss.

We all talk and laugh until the guys shout up the stairs saying they are ready to go. One by one we walk down the stairs. All of the boys jaws drop to the ground.

Hi guys.(: I will try to include pictures of the hair styles and dresses if I can figure it out. Haha. If I do end up putting up the pictures  they will be in order from who is described first to who I described last. Enjoy. (: 

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