No No No

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Louis POV

No. Hell No. We are not letting them skinny dip. And we arent joining. We promised them before they even started drinking that we would make sure they wouldnt do anything stupid and we wouldnt take advantage of them. There is no way we can let them skinny dip, i already know that they would regrret tomorrow.

"Psst Niall come here." I wave Niall over to me.

"Yeah mate?" Niall asks.

"There is no way we can let them skinny dip! They will totally regret it tomorrow and i dont want to be the one held responsible for it and im pretty sure you dont either!" I say.

"Your right but we gotta get to them fast because im pretty sure they are already undressing themselves...."Niall trails off.

"Okay lets go!!" I immediatley start jogging over to the lake with Niall.

Once we get to the lake, the girls already have their shirts and shorts off, leaving them in their bras and underwear. Im trying not to focus on the fact that my girlfriend is half naked in front of me right now. I start looking for the girls shirts and shorts but only to find that they have thrown them in the water.

"Niall they threw their shirts and shorts in the water!" I tell Niall.

"Well what are we supposed to do?! We cant take them back to their cabing with them half naked!" Niall says frantically.

"Your right. The only thing we can do is take off our shirts and put it over them. It will be big on them so it will cover everything." I say.

"Good idea." Niall smiles.

"Okay mate gimme your shirt and i will get the girls covered up while you get their clothes out of the water." I instruct Niall. Niall does as he is told and as soon as he gives me his shirt i walk over to Sammy and i try to put it on her.

"Noooo leave me alone." Sammy starts whacking me.

"Sammy give it up already!" I yell at Sammy.

Sammy gives up and reluctantly lets me put Niall's shirt over her. Now time for Bridget. I walk over to where she is and i take off my shirt.

"Oh so your coming too?" Bridget asks with a smirk on her face.

"Haha no i wish i was but im not. Come here." I tell Bridget with a smile on my face.

"Why i was just about to get in!" Bridget complains.

"Oh just some here already!" I say trying to remain focused.

"Fine." She lets out a sigh and walks over to me.

I put my shirt over her and i was right both of our shirts are big on the girls. I intertwine my fingers with Bridgets and we walk back over to Sammy and Niall. When we get over to them Niall is picking Sammy up bridal style.

"Why are you picking her up?" I ask a little confused.

"Well for one she is drunk and because she just threw up all over the place." Niall says.

As if on cue Bridget leans to the opposite side of me and pukes. I hold her hair back and when she is finished she looks like she could just pass out.

"Alright thats a good idea Niall." I say to Niall.

I pick Bridget up bridal style and me and Niall start walking over to our cabin since we know that the other three couples are in the girls cabin. Once we get to our cabin the girls both are asleep and its like one in the morning. I walk over to my bed and gently lay Bridget down.

"Should we go get them something to sleep in?" I ask Niall.

"No i dont feel comtorble leaving them here by themselves." Niall says.

"Oh i guess your right well night mate." I say goodnight to Niall and we do that man hug thing.

As soon as i pul the covers over us Bridget cuddles up against me and i drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Niall POV

God Sammy is so adorable. When i pulled the blankets over us she snuggled up against my chest and i just smiled. She is so cute when she sleeps. Her hair is all messy and she tends to grind her teeth a little bit. Soft snores escape her lips every now and then and its just too cute. I couldnt even fall asleep because i couldnt focus with a beautiful sleeping girl next to me. Soon enough sleep took over me and i fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms.

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