kick some ass

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Bridget POV

I am sooo thirsty. And sore. Very sore. Thankfully last night they didnt come in there and beat me up more.They beat me up so often. I am almost positive that i have a broken arm and leg, poissibly a few broken ribs and i have a definate concussion. I am trying the best i can to send a message of help out to the world. I wonder what the guys and girls are thinking right now. I wonder if the guys even miss me, i am pretty sure Sammy would miss me and worry about me and same for the other girls. But as for the other guys (other than Louis and Niall) i havent really got a chance to bond with them because they havent been around much.

Suddenly i hear a loud bang from outside the room i have been locked in. I hoist myself up the best i can because everything hurts, and wobble over to the door to look out the teeny weeny window that is on the door. Once i look out the window i see big guy laying on the ground and there is blood everywhere. I see the leader guy standing by the table and the leader is a very weak looking indivdual if you ask me. Leaving the room are his other two wing men. One of them has a gun in their hand. I call that guy pigeon because his nose reminds me of a pigeon, and i call the other guy rings because he wears huge sharp rings so that if he punches someone, it hurts more than a regular punch.

Now is my chance. When the two wingmen leave, they leave for about a half hour at  a time. Now how do i get out of this room. I sit there thinking for a couple minutes when i suddenly remember i have a bobby pin in my hair so i can use that to unlock the door. I scan the room for something i can use for as a weapon in case the weak leader comes at me. I pull one of the metal rods out of my bed since the bed was falling apart it was easy to pull the rod out. Unlocking the door is easy, I slide the bobby pin back into my hair in case i need it again. I wobble out of the room holding the rod with my good hand.

"What the hell? How did you get out of the room?" The leader asks me frantically.

"I have my ways." I try to say boldly but my voice is raspy because the only source of water i get is the occasional dog bowl they put in my room. I havent had anything to eat in the amount of time i have been here and it has been four days. 

"Well of course you get out right when all my protection is gone." The leader says.

"What's that? You cant handle a girl on her own now can you?" I say getting a little more brave by the second.

"No that's not true..."He says trailing off.

I start wobbling over to him but trying not to wobble too much. As soon as I get into an arms length radius of him I see how truly pathetic this guy actually is. I take one good swing with my better arm and he goes down like a sack of potatoes. He starts whimpering right away.

"Now before I can do you anymore damage why not you give me your cellphone right away." I command.

He quickly does as I say and hands me the cellphone. I swiftly kick him in the ribs but stop myself from doing any further damage. I dial Louis' number and he picks up on the first ring.

"Hello?!?" He asks frantically.

"Louis Ohmygod. Its Bridget...." He quickly cuts me off before I can finish,

"OHMYGOD BRIDGET WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY/ WE HAVE BEEN GOING CRAZY WONDERING WHERE YOU ARE!" He starts talking a mile a minute and I have to cut him off.

"Louis calm down. I don't know how much time I have, but you need to come get me. I am in a warehouse....Let me ask where hold on." Louis calms down right away and doesn't say another word.

"I am going to ask you a question now. If you do not answer truthfully I swear to the gods you will not be able to walk." I say to the leader.

"We are just outside of London. You cant miss the warehouse, just start driving West and you will eventually see it." He answers quickly. I repeat the instructions to Louis and he says he is on his way before he hangs up the phone.

I put the phone on the table and wobble back over to him. "Now tell me why you kidnapped me." I say feircly.

"Well I needed money to pay for my wedding so I figured who better not to kidnap other than one of the most famous boy's girlfriend...I figured you guys are loaded so paying ransom wouldn't affect you guys that much." He explains.

"You need to be checked into a mental hospital because that is honestly so messed up. Your bride to be knew about all of this and she was okay with it?" I question.

"No she didn't know but we both know that money is way to tight to have her dream wedding and I wanted to surprise her by randomly having enough money to pay for all of it." He continues.

"So where do those other goons come into this whole mess?" I ask.

"Well in case you cant tell, I am very weak. So I needed muscle to help. I got these three guys to help out because I kinda figured you would eventually get sick and tired of waiting in that room and break out with a bunch of rage. However I thought the chances of you doing it on the guys break were low." He says.

"How long will those guys be gone...and be honest." I ask.

"Two more hours." He sighs.

"And what was the point of killing that guy over there...." I wonder aloud.

"He kept saying that this whole thing was messed up and that we should just let you go. But I got sick of hearing it so I killed him." He explains.

"Well he was right. So how long does it take to get here from the camp?" I ask.

"They should be here in about twenty minutes." He says.

"Now let me explain something to you. We are going to have a very high tech security system put in when I get home. If you so much as drive down my block I will have you sued. If any harm is done to any of the people I care about, not only will I personally come beat the shit out of you and your beloved wife to be but I will have people hurt every single person that you have ever talked to. DO you understand?" I threaten.

"Yes ma'am. I swear nothing will happen to you or anyone you care about." He promises.

"You better hope not." I walk over to the window and lean on it until I see Louis' car pull up. I grab the phone and tie the leader to a door and wobble out of the warehouse. As soon as I step out of the door I am engulfed into a huge hug by Louis. I kiss him passionately.

"You have no idea how much I have missed you." Louis breaths into my neck.

"Okay lets go, I really do not want to be anywhere near here when the others get back." I say.

"What are you talking about?" Louis asks.

"I will explain in the car. Lets go." I say while wobbling over to the car.

He opens my door for me and then walks over and gets in to the drivers seat. "You can explain on the way to the hospital." Louis states. I sigh but nod my head.

I then start to explain everything that has happened in the last four days, and everything that the leader told me.

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