Chapter One: The Way It Works

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Mikey's POV
The loud knocking on my door brought me from my sleep and I sighed quietly. "Come on! Time for school." My brother hated waking me up almost as much as I hated waking up.

Mom goes to work at 5 AM and Gerard already graduated, things would be a lot easier if I didn't sleep through alarms so well.

School is only two blocks away, I walk to and from because I don't want to be a complete burden on my brother. "Mikey! Get up, you're going to be late again." I forced my eyes open and winced at the sunlight dancing across my room.

Seven AM is a disgusting hour in my opinion.

"I'm up," I call faintly and listen to Gerard's footsteps fade off. My stomach turned, empty and weak. I did my best to ignore it as I pulled on my hideous uniform clothes.

Most nights me and Gerard cooked for ourselves and last night I skipped dinner. I had a lot of homework and I wasn't all that hungry.

Actually, I only had one work sheet and I was done with it hours before I went to sleep and I was quite hungry, but no one has to know that. 

 I regret it now, but there's no time to eat. I wince and lay back down, closing my eyes and willing the pain away. It worked but not much so I grunted and opened my eyes once again before I accidentally drifted back to sleep.

I walked over to my mirror and started to arrange the parts of my hair that stuck out wildly after a restless night.

Gerard's POV

After receiving a rather tired response from my little brother I walked down to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee, as I do every morning.

 Mom used to do it for me and now I do it for Mikey, although he never asked me for it he'd still come and make a cup every morning after getting ready.

I hadn't seen him much last night, he had locked away in his room and his lights were off before 11:30 PM. I would never admit it but I hate the way Mikey keeps to himself.

 I crave conversations with him, or even just being near him because his presence makes me feel whole.

Mikey seems to avoid me a lot, he never asks me for a ride, he never needs help with his schoolwork, and it's maybe once a week that we have a conversation about how his day was.

It seems sweet, I just care brother right? Wrong, I care about him in many more ways than I should, it's not sweet, it's fucked up. 

Even more so because I've been dating Frank for four years, this obsession for my brother has been with me for much longer but since I graduated highschool last summer it has grown to be much more than a little screw up in my brain.

Sometimes it feels like the issue is mutual, that he feels the same, like he's waiting for something much more than a conversation, but it's got to be my imagination.

Mikey walked into the kitchen and I quickly poured him a cup of coffee. My hand shook as I handed it to him and I mentally directed myself to get my shit together. 

"Morning," I said awkwardly as I went to pour myself some coffee, he just hummed in response.

"How did you sleep?" I press on for conversation and it catches him off guard. Usually I make his coffee, make mine, and then walk back down to my room silently.

 "Fine, you?" I smile and take a sip of my coffee. "Great. Do you need a ride to school?" Mikey quickly darts his eyes to the floor, not big on eye contact. "That's alright, I'll walk."

I feel rejected but not yet defeated, "How about tomorrow?" Mikey takes one more drink from his coffee and sets his cup on the table, "We'll see." 

Then he's gone.

    Mikey's POV

I walk out of the kitchen and rush to my room. My heart pounding harder than I thought possible.

I think about Gerard all the time. 

In class, when I eat, when I'm trying to sleep, and even when I'm doing some not so PG-13 things.

 Why didn't I say yes to the ride? 

He wanted to talk to me, why am I like this?

 He must feel like I don't want him around. 

Honestly, I don't want Gerard around, I need Gerard around.

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