Chapter 43: Therapeutic Chain Of Events

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Mikey's POV

Frank was talking to me, and I was trying to shrug him off, but then I fell. My legs just gave in and I lost control over my body. My heart was racing and I could only see flashes of white and yellow as my hearing went. 

Then I woke up in a room with a nurse beside me jabbing a needle into my arm. I gasped and turned my head sharply to look at her, "Patient's responsive," She called over her shoulder ignoring me as she took some of my blood.

"Uh, what's wrong with me?" The woman looks at me and sighs, "Your chart says you could possibly be suffering from a drug addiction, did you take some pills that didn't belong to you?"

I shift nervously and she sighs, looking back to see if any other nurses were in the room. She leaned in closer to me and began to speak softly. "Look kid, if you took a hand full of some pills you were sold to get high we need to involve social services, DFACS. Were you drugged? How did these pills get in your system?"

I shiver and look at the womans green eyes. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"I have an eating disorder, it's got to be on my record, I took the pills because I read online that they could curb appetite." I admit feeling my face heat up as the woman sighs and stands up. At least I hadn't told her about the suicide attempt.

"Another fucking head case, man, the anorexics are usually girls but by the sight of you I have no doubt you're ill. I'm gonna go speak to my superior." She mutters and leaves the room.

They're gonna send me away...another treatment did I get here? What have I done? 

I look at my arms and then I pull my shirt up and look at my ribs, oh God.

I'm skin and fucking bones again. 

Gerard's POV

I walk a few feet away from Frank and dial my mom. The line rings four times and just when I'm about to give in and hang up, she answered sounding rather stressed. "Gerard? Is everything alright? I really can't be caught up on the phone right now."

I swallow the lump in my throat, "Mama," My voice cracks and tears start rolling down my face. "Mikey's in the hospital, he uhm...he passed out today in the park and uh they think he tried to o-overdose."

There's a moment of silence on the other line, "Has he been eating Gerard? Why weren't you watching him, oh God, is he okay? Are you with him?" I sigh and wipe my tears. "Not yet, he just got here in the ambulance and mama I really thought he was eating, I swear I had no idea."

Oh what a lie. I know there was two or three times when I noticed his thinning and just swallowed it.

"What hospital?" She asks panicky, "East end," I murmur and look back at Frank who's looking at the trees on the horizon. "I'll be there as soon as I can, if you see him, tell him mama's coming, tell him I'm not mad at him please." She whimpers and I nod even though she can't see me. 

"Hey mama?" 


"I really really love Mikey," I state weakly. She clears her throat, "Me too."

Frank's POV

I watch Gerard talk to his mom but I can't hear what's being said. I look at the sunset and sigh, this has been one fucked up send off. I mean, I want to leave, but not on bad terms. I feel like Gerard is sinking and I'm walking away from him.

He hangs up the phone and walks back over to me, keeping his eyes lowered as he does. His whole body radiates a sadness I can't handle. "We should go inside, in case Mikey's ready." He states sounding a bit hopeful.

"My mom will be here eventually, I...I gotta speak to him, I need to know what happened. I hurt his feelings and he took off walking." He says nervously and my stomach tightened, Gerard really might have caused this.

"How did you hurt his feelings?" I ask and Gerard blushes. "I..I wouldn't sleep with him because I felt like we were going to fast, I just didn't want to hurt him. I'd fuck the hell out of him and yeah that's fucked up on a lot of levels but I didn't mean to make him think otherwise." He says and I feel like I could vomit.

"Lets go inside, you're to in your head. Try to snap out of it, stay focused on the world okay?" I assure patting his shoulder and leading him back into the building.

A few people glance at us as we walk in and sit down next to a window. Gerard sits down and crosses his legs, gazing out at the parking lot as I lean on my palm and take a few deep breaths.

It's Monday, Mikey should be in class, I should be at my desk suffocating in paperwork, and Gerard should be in the basement sketching until his wrist cramps and he stops to smoke.

We sit there for half an hour or so before a nurse steps out and announces, "Michael Way?" They question and me and Gerard stand up. Gerard reaches for my hand but I just follow the nurse quietly.

We walk down a few hallways and into a dimly lit room. Mikey is laying there staring at the wall with his usual blank face. His skin is ghastly white and his eyes look tired, he had never looked thinner. 

I look over at Gerard who is staring at his brother in shock. He walks a little closer to Mikey but doesn't touch him, Mikey doesn't even look at him, he just stares ahead silently.

No one speaks and I can't stand it. Gerard standing here unraveling and Mikey is just ignoring him. "For fucks sake speak to your brother Mikey, he's terrified." I snap and Gerard looks back at me concerned, whilst Mikey sadly gazes at Gerard.

"I'm not on drugs, I'm not dead, what are you so afraid of? It's not like you haven't seen it before, and Frank, I don't know if you know this but Perry's dating the kid who gave me the pills, he helps people starve themselves."

"What's his name?" I ask feeling anger swell in my chest as I walk over to the other side of Mikey's bed. I place my hand on his jawline and force him to look at me like I used to do to Gerard when he was drunk.


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