Chapter 37: Last Time We Loved

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Frank's POV

When I made it back home I stumbled up to the bathroom and gasped when I saw my nose in the mirror. I look like I got jumped, stomped into the ground, and drug down the street for an hour. My hair was a mess, my face was a bit shiny with sweat or tears, eyes bloodshot, and nose all different shades of purple. 

I wonder what Gerard's hand must look like, he managed to break my nose and he hit that wall. I have dried blood on my top lip and it looks like I had literally just been robbed. The evidence of me getting my ass kicked did not suit my look to well, the red streaks and all didn't blend with the ass kicking.

I sigh and lean against the wall. Letting my eyes fall closed as I slid down and pulled my knees to my chest.

I ducked my head and the sound of the bathroom fan faded to nothing. I focused on breathing as tears rolled down my face.

Gerard doesn't love you anymore.

You're leaving and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's over Frankie. Walk away.

I sniffle and my nose burns horribly as I continue to cry.

I stay there for a long time just telling myself to walk away repeatedly until I had cried out all my tears and my chest ached from the way I was sitting.

Shakily, I sat down at my laptop and forced out an email that I had promised to send. The last sign of love I'd ever allow myself to show to Gerard. 

Mikey's POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the small window in the corner of Gerard's room. He was still asleep next to me as I slid out of bed and walked up the stairs as quietly as I could manage.

I went into the bathroom, and locked the door. Pulling the scale out of the cabinet I began to whisper to myself.

"139," the last weight I had seen on the scale. I hadn't weighed myself in months.

I step onto the scale as I stare up at the ceiling, whispering a silent prayer. Three days in this hell had to count for a pound or something.

I took a deep breath and looked down as my stomach tangled into knots.


I step off and then step back on. It comes up the same, I pick the scale back up and put it back where it came from. Looking in the mirror and blinking a few times.

My hair was a mess and my eyes had semi darker circles around them. I need to call Emerson today. Go see him. Workout or something. It's not normal not to communicate with him.

I turn the shower on and undress, stepping under the cold stream and shivering. Cold showers burn calories. I used to take them every morning and night.

Letting the water run over me as my eyes flutter shut. My legs feel weak and I know I need to eat. I need to eat today. Or I'll die. And what's the use in dying before you're perfect?

Gerard's POV

I wake up to an empty bed and I can hear the shower running upstairs in the main part of the house. I light a cigarette and look at my phone.

0 missed calls.
0 new messages.

I don't let it bother me to much. I tell myself it's a good thing, because Frank should be the last thing on my mind now.

I take a long drag from the cigarette and stare up at my ceiling, dropping my phone on the bed next to me as the smoke spirals up from my lips.

I wonder how mama has been. She's probably half asleep at work right now, operating through her days for a paycheck.

Life isn't fair. It's all one big game where you have to do so much to just stay alive. 

I can feel myself getting angry, the mood swings become more and more common when I don't drink for a few days. I had luckily gotten past the stages of addiction that come with withdraw sickness, but my mind never quite adjusts to it.

I hear Mikey walking through the house upstairs when my phone starts vibrating and shocks me. I quickly grab it and look at the contact name.

Reprise Records Publishers Office 

I shakily answer the call and put the phone up to my ear, sitting up and putting my cigarette out. "Hi, I'm Lisa from the Reprise Records in the Belleville New Jersey area, am I speaking with Gerald Way?"

I smirk, "It's pronounced Gerard, and yes this is he." I hear Mikey coming down the stairs. He see's that I'm on the phone and remains quiet as he crawls onto the bed next to me. My hands are shaking with excitement and my heart is soaring.

"I'm sorry about that, I'm calling in regards of an email I got last night from our recently promoted supervisor Frank Iero, we've been told that you have some literature work you'd like to submit for publishing?"

I nearly scream from excitement, I use my freehand to grab Mikeys hand. He smiles curiously, but still stays respectfully silent. "Oh really?" The woman on the other line clicks a computer mouse a few times. 

"Yes, it says that the work is not complete yet?" I smile and nod, "Yes, that's true. I can have it done in a week tops though, it's just in the proof reading stage." Mikey seems to catch onto what's happening, because his eyes light up and leans in closer to me like an excited animal.

"I'm going to give you a phone number and my email address, just contact us when it's done and we'll go from there about looking into publishing your works. Congratulations Mr.Way."

"Thank you so much, have a good day." I say and then hang up the phone. "Frank recommended my comic for publishing!" I shout and Mikey hugs me tightly. "Oh my God Gerard that's so amazing!" He says back.

I feel guilt rush through me about the events of the other night, and I decide to explain what occurred to Mikey.

"I didn't think he would, because he kind of uh.. came over last night at like 3 AM." Mikeys face drops and he pulls away from me.

"I kind of uh.. hit him. See, he told me he was leaving Jersey, and I kind of lost it," I hold my hand out to him to show him the bruises. "Where's he going?" Mikey asks curiously. "Somewhere with a band from the company, but oh my God!" 

Mikey smiles and presses his lips against mine, climbing ontop of me. "Let's celebrate," He whispers against my lips as I wrap my arms around his waist. 

"I thought you said you wanted to wait."

"I can't."

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