Chapter Seven: Friday Eve

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Franks POV

I thankfully made it home before the snow started to be heavy. My sister was sitting in the den reading a book when I walked in. She smiled at me, "Hey. You're home early." I nod, "Snow day."

"Where's Gerard? He's usually here with you."

I bite my lip and laugh quietly. "He's sick." It wasn't a lie, he was a sick fuck, but I still loved him.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I say and hang my jacket up on the stair rail.

My sister just looks back down at her book as if I had never came in the room. Like a sibling should, but it was almost as if Gerard and Mikey weren't siblings.

They didn't act like brothers, more like very distant house mates. They both led separate lives, there was no brotherly conversation or interaction. I don't know, that family is a fucking science project.

I walk into my room and pull my shirt off. I sit down on my bed and pull at my lip ring.

God knows what Mikey and Gerard are doing right now. Is Gerard gonna be able to tell Mikey? Am I going to loose my boyfriend to a high schooler? I shouldn't have asked Gerard about Mikey, I should have left it alone, behind locked doors in his mind and out of my perspective.

I should of protected Mikey from his brother, but Gerard would never hurt him, Mikey is only at risk for some fucked up family shit but not harm.

It's not my business. I don't want it to be my business, if it's gonna happen it can happen without Frank Iero.

Mikeys POV

I turn my head to the side and break the kiss. I press my glasses back on my face and take in a deep breath.

Gerard tastes like alcohol, maybe he won't remember this tomorrow and it can all go away. But now I've felt it, I've felt his lips, his body against mine. I've felt an intimate side of Gerard, and I'll never forget it.

It was so much more than I thought it was, he was the perfect level of hungry for me. He's silent, he runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes.

"Okay.." I mutter. Now things have to be normal, I have to form words and we have to talk about this.

"I uh.. is this what Frank was talking about? You're wasted and not thinking right?" I ask and Gerard blushes.

"I don't know what Frank said to you..But Uh.. the alcohol had nothing to do with what just happened." I run my hand over my mouth and shiver.

"Did you plan that?" The question is spoken from Gerard to me and I'm caught off guard. He completely initiated the kiss, I just didn't deny it.

"Me?" Gerard looks up at the small window in the corner of the room.

"You were totally begging for it! You s-said you wanted me." I look over at him, "I always want what I can't have. Doesn't mean I should have everything I want."

Gerard nods and grasps my hand. "But you deserve something..For all the things you've been through and I..I can give you this, I want it too I just couldn't say it..I didn't know how to let you know but I think you get it now. And you're not involved with anyone right now, and you..You act like you want me. You're all bashful and innocent but you're holding alot back."

I look at Gerard's hand on mine and dart my tongue over my lips. "And if I am..Who's to say you can make any of this happen? There's Frank, there's mom, there's the law." Gerard shakes his head and pulls me closer to him swiftly.

Our legs are touching and our faces are level, I'm basically straddling him but he's got his hands on mine.

"You can keep a secret. You've kept your mouth shut for years around me, moms never here, and the law can't see through walls. Frank knows, Franks handling it in his own way. He gave me the greenlight now it's your turn to do the same."

I look around the room nervously for a moment. I let a smile spread across my lips and for a minute I forget about everything at school, everything about eating, everything that wasn't Gerard begging me to let him love me. Like I wanted.

I can't teach him to be afraid of me, if I block him out now we may never talk again and I can't live like that.

It would be a bitter walk down a lonely road and I can totally flip my life right now.

How do I say yes to this?

The wind blows heavily on the house causing it to creak slightly and I can tell it's snowing outside by the dimness of the window light.

I look at Gerard and he sighs, "Is this to much?" He asks and I see my window of opportunity.

I lean forward and press my lips against his. His hands trail up to my hair and I place mine on his jawline. He bites my lip gently and I allow his tongue into my mouth. He pulls my hair softly and I tilt my head slightly, deepening the kiss.

Gerard sits up slightly and pulls my hips closer to his. I want to refrain from his touch because it's intense and it's lighting my body on fire dangerously fast. I feel dizzy and I'm reminded of how empty my stomach is when I get a little lightheaded.

I can't pull back though, it's like I need it. I feel my body tense and Gerard slides his hands down my back slowly.

We can't just get all heated right here, not so quickly. Nothing's fun if you don't wait for it.

I pull away from the kiss and gasp for air. "Are we..Like..In relations now?" I ask kind of stupidly. "Do you want to be?" I smirk, "I don't see how I couldn't."

I feel my own excitement in my jeans but I try to ignore it. It would go away eventually it just may not be an enjoyable feeling. I'd fall apart on Gerard right now, and I want that part to be powerful and spiritual.

My phone buzzes and I see a text from Emerson.

You're lucky you left. Snowed in for now, skipped lunch. Are you planning to eat something tonight?

I stare at the message for a moment and the type a reply wearily.

I kind of need to, got a little lightheaded earlier. Haven't eaten since Wednesday morning, and that wasn't much.

I set my phone down on the bed beside me and look at Gerard who's peering at the TV screen.

Jersey residents under winter weather advisory. Black ice on roads, drive slow, traffic is slower than usual.

Mom was at work all the way across town, no way she would make it home before some insane hour.

My phone buzzes again and Gerard pretends to ignore it.

Eat light, soup maybe, no breads, vegetables.

I put my phone down on the bed and cross my arms over my aching stomach. I need to eat soon or I'll vomit.

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