Chapter 55: It's All Coming To An End.

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Mikey's POV

All the happiness I had felt about coming home was slowly dwindling away as I stare at Frank. Had he been here the whole time I was gone? I look over at Gerard who looks just as confused as me.

"How the hell did you get inside?" He asks dumbfounded and then I realize Gerard is just as bewildered as I am about the man at our table. Looking a bit closer, it's obvious he had been crying. "Back door," Frank states looking down at the table cloth.

"Weren't you like...not in New Jersey?" I ask and Frank smiles weakly. "I got a phone call last night. Came home straight away." Frank's voice cracks a little bit as he begins to cry harder.

"What the fuck are you on about Frankie?" Gerard asks sounding a bit sympathetic. "Perry committed suicide last night." He states lowly and I close my eyes.


I know Gerard's going to comfort him and make him feel better. Knowing this was probably a private moment, I step into the living room and lay down on the couch. Sighing in relief at how nice it feels to be back at home.

I try not to listen to Gerard and Frank in the kitchen but I can't help it.

"I-I'm so sorry Frank," Gerard says and can hear Frank starting to cry harder, and then the sobs become muffled and I know Gerard must be hugging him. I try not to let it bother me, but deep inside it does.

This was supposed to be my day. Fuck, how selfish can I be? I mentally scold myself for thinking that way as I step outside for a cigarette. It's best for me if I just mind my own business right now.

Frank's POV

I hear Mikey stepping outside as I pull away from Gerard. My chest aches from holding back sobs and my head is pounding from lack of sleep. "I..she." My voice shakes and I can't find any words to say. Gerard pulls me back into a hug.

"You don't have to talk about it," He says gently and I nod. Gathering myself, I wipe my eyes and lean my head in my palms. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know Mikey was coming home today. I should g-go." I say standing up and Gerard stops me by grabbing my wrists.

I look down at his hand and then up at his eyes, he looks...conflicted.

"You can go for now, but can you come back a little later?" I roll my eyes and snatch my wrist from his grasps. Anger rising in me, not anger for Gerard, but anger that would be taken out on him.

"Fuck you Gerard!" I shout, pushing him as hard as I can, causing him to stumble back a bit. "Frank I-" He tries to explain but I cut him off. "No! Save it, you sick, demented fuck! Your little brother not enough for you? Need me to come back later to make sure you're fucking satisfied?"

My throat starts to hurt from shouting but I don't stop. "My sisters fucking dead!" Gerard pushes me back roughly, losing his temper. "I wanted to make sure you didn't end up the same way you jerk!" He screams, pushing me again, this time causing me to fall onto the kitchen floor.

I look up at him as Mikey opens the door, looking rather afraid. I smirk and climb off the floor, stepping a bit closer to Gerard who's literally gritting his teeth. "I don't n-need your fucking suicide watch." I say and Gerard's eyes flash with hurt I had never seen in them.

There's a stillness that makes me sick to my stomach. Mikey stands in the doorway like he's paralyzed and Gerard seems to be holding his breath. "I think you should-" I cut Gerard off by punching him as hard as I can. "I was on my way out anyways." I mutter.

"Frank!" Mikey shouts as Gerard brings both hands to his mouth that's pouring blood through his fingers. As Mikey rushes over to us, Gerard falls to his knees, hiding his face.

"For fucks sake!" Mikey shouts at me and I stare at him. "You're great Mikey, don't get caught up with this monster." I say lowly and push past him, leaving the house without the least bit of remorse.

Mikey's POV

As Frank slams the door I look down at my brother and drop to my knees. "Are you okay?" I ask and he looks up at me, removing his hands from his face and spitting blood onto the floor with an are you fucking kidding me? look."Right. Dumb question."

He opens his mouth a bit and I cringe at the sight. His lip is the thing that's mainly bleeding but I can see one of his teeth is slightly chipped. "I think you m-might need stitches Gee." I state, fighting the urge to gag as he spits a bit more blood onto the floor.

He climbs to his feet making a small sound of protest at the idea of stitches. "N-no, i-it's your first day out of the hospital. F-fuck the hospital." He says shakily, looking a bit faint.

I hear a small knock on the door and then it opens. My mom steps inside of the house and gasps at the sight of Gerard. "Mikey!" She shouts as if I hit Gerard. "Wasn't me ma," I say flatly.

"Did you bust your own lip?" She asks Gerard sarcastically as if this isn't the first time she's seen me in a month. I guess that's normal for her. "F-frank." Gerard stammers leaning against the counter and groaning.

"Let me see," My mom states stepping closer to Gerard. I sigh and walk back out onto the front porch, lighting another cigarette.

"Welcome home," I whisper to myself before taking a long drag from it and leaning my neck back.

"You're great Mikey, don't get caught up with this monster."

Frank's words echo in my mind repeatedly and I start to feel sick to my stomach. Finding myself in the middle of a panic attack and gasping for air, I drop my cigarette and start to scratch at the skin on the top of my hand until the pain distracted me from my anxiety.

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