Chapter 25: Better Off This Way.

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Gerard's POV

I left Frank in the kitchen with Mikey and I sat down on the couch, placing my coffee on the little table.

I lean my head into my palms and close my eyes, forcing myself not to tune into the conversation happening in the other room.

Hearing it would only make me sadder, and he asked me to leave, it wasn't my business obviously.

If he wanted me to know he wouldn't have asked me to leave the room in the first place.

I can feel my heartbeat, I can feel my lungs expand and deflate, all the sounds of the real world fade away.

I'm almost scared of the newfound silence, but I settle into it and I try to breathe.

I used to get this way all the time, but it was magical, it was romance, not this dreadful heartbreak, this heartbreak I didn't think I would suffer. I hear Frank walk back into the room but I can't force myself to move or to look up.

"Gee," He says softly as he places his hand on my shoulder.

I take in a deep breath and pull my hands away from my face. I want to tell Frank not to leave, but I know in a few moments or so, he would leave, and it was under my instruction.

"You're going to be happier this way. I know you will, you two obviously love each other, he's in the same spot I was in when we first met. He's scared to death, but he doesn't want you to know, and you, you've seen this before, just without the sadness. You're optimistic about this and you want to see it through, and me, I've been getting restless here anyways."

I nod and clench my jaw. He moves to come and sit next to me, he picks up my cup of coffee and hands it to me slowly.

I take a sip and let the warm liquid sooth my tightening chest and stomach, my brain slowly begins to wake up.

I hear Mikey approaching, he walks through the living room silently, and heads back to either his room or the rest room, I try not to pay to much attention to his actions.

"You know," I turn towards Frank, now was the time to remember.

"When I first saw you walking up to me, I almost thought someone else was standing next to me and you were going to them. I mean, I know we have similar tastes and all, but that night you couldn't tell exactly what I was into."

I state smiling and taking a sip from my cup. Frank does the same and nods, "Yeah. I had been watching you for about a month before then around the school. You looked at me on and off, but it was just mindless glances, but every time your hazel eyes scanned me I got excited, and to this day, I still fucking do."

Frank is looking at me like I've put the starts into the sky.

It's like we've gone back in time and we're standing together in the school corridor, or in Frank's room.

"I love you," I say, my lips shaking as I do. He smiles this half smile and I can truly see his broken heart through it, but the fact that he's still pushing to show appreciation makes my stomach turn.

"I love you too."

Neither of us speak after that and we finish our coffee in content silence, our eyes wondering over each other the entire time.

I could look at him forever, but my mind wonders to someone else here and there, someone who's tall, sickly thin, someone who wears glasses on the edge of his nose, someone who's smile can shock a country.

When we both finish our coffee & head out to the back deck to smoke.

I light my cigarette and then pass my lighter to Frank.

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