Chapter Nine: Friday

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Frank's POV

The lights blink out and my laptop screen goes to a loading page.

I had been reading an article about a local music group when it happened. I sighed and closed the laptop, leaving me in my dark bedroom.

I place the device on the nightstand and lay down up under the covers.

My phone was beside my hand but I didn't bother to pick it up. Any text from Gerard would only make the night go by slower. I can't say that I won't miss Gerard if this goes his way, but I can't keep him here if he's not into me.

Mikey's POV

My phone buzzed on the coffee table.


I groan and pull away from Gerard who rubs his eyes. "Stay home. It's too cold."

I think about the truth to that, honestly school probably was closed. The first snow of the winter and it's a Friday. I lean back into Gerard's embrace and he sighs contently.

"Okay, now that I've excepted that the whole kissing thing wasn't a dream, w-what are we?" I ask and wait for a response.

"I know you have Frank and all, but that had to mean something," I continue when Gerard doesn't respond.

"It did. I just...I don't know what I want us to be. I just know that I wanted to kiss you and I thought about you while Frank was sucking my dick and I uh.." Gerard to trails off.

I blush, "So it's just some lust thing for you then?" Wow, I definitely had a different fairytale in my mind when it came to thoughts of me and Gerard.

"No..Well yeah I do want you but not just like that. I like the way you talk, the way you act, the way you think. I like everything about you and I want that all to be a part of my life forever but I'm kind of tied up with Frank right now."

I understand that, I wouldn't want to risk my career for someone as worthless as myself.

I don't see how Gerard even wants me when are nothing equal in looks. "I bet it's tearing him apart. He tried to understand when I told him-" I cut Gerard off.

"You told Frank?"

"I had to! He made me, he's not gonna tell anyone." I swallow my pride. Frank always had an advantage over me, Gerard told Frank everything, I had learned to accept that.

"You're not just entertainment Mikey, no one's outdoing you, you're not in competition with Frank. You two are totally different and I'm with you instead of him. You already won that."

I blush again, "Let's just go back to sleep." Gerard smiles against my skin. "Mom is likely to be home soon I think the worst of the storm has passed. Maybe we shouldn't be cuddling when she gets here."

I groan and pull away from him again, I walk over to the other couch and lay across it.

"Please don't doubt yourself."

I don't respond and Gerard falls silent. I start to think about Emerson and my weight and what's going on outside of this thing with Gerard.

I started something I can't stop yesterday and it's time to mentally address that.

So I'm starving myself again.

Some kid I hardly know is helping me.

I'm still sick.

I'm a little hungry now but I knew the feeling would become common.

I try to find pleasure in it like I once did but there is nothing but emptiness and fear.

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