Chapter 35: I'm Leaving

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Frank's POV

I walk to Bryan's office and knock on the door. "Come on in," He calls and I push the door open forcing a smile on my face.

"Adrian has full permission to go on tour with the exception of a ticket to the Atlanta Georgia show for his dad." I say and Brian smiles widely.

"Way to go Frank! Just be here at seven AM Tuesday morning and we'll be all set to leave. You'll be gone for two months."

Gerard's Comic!

It crosses my mind but I guiltily push it away. He broke my heart, he deserves to wait. I'll tell him I'm leaving and if he mentions it I just won't respond. I'll make something up If I have to.

Revenge isn't fair when it's sweet.

I nod and look behind me for a moment. "Does this mean I'm not the paperwork manger anymore?" Bryan sighs.

"Well, you're the best person to ever have the job and nothing is final..But if this goes well, we might need you on future tours because extra help is always needed and I trust you."

I smile and clap my hands a bit. "Oh wow! Thank you so much Bryan, I swear I won't disappoint you."

All the sadness I had felt in the quiet of my office leaves. I may have a shot to be able to come and go as the bands do. Maybe it would make me hate it here less, and maybe it would make Gerard realize what he lost.

I tell myself not to be upset with the Way brothers, I'm happy that they figured themselves out, but I wish that didn't mean having my life ripped from my hands.

Well, I'm taking it back, and I'm kicking Gerard right out of it. All the things I've done for that man, obviously just weren't enough, and there's honestly nothing more I can do for anyone.

One day I'll find someone that appreciates me..Someone that will stay forever.

"Are you alright Frank?" I smile at Bryan, I hadn't meant to zone out. "Yeah..I'm having some domestic issues right now. No big deal." I say and force a small smile.

Bryan gives me an understanding look. "Well maybe getting out of town for a while will make you feel better." I nod, he's right.

"Yeah, thanks again by the way." I comment and let out a quiet sigh. "Go home and get some rest Frank, you look like you need it."

I nod, even though I feel like I won't be able to get much sleep tonight, I excuse myself from his office and head back to the cold parking lot.

I think about all the times I had come out and driven to Gerard's house, driving home just doesn't feel like going home.

I get in and start the car but before I back out I decide to whisper a few words to my dad.

"If you can hear me I just want to say I'm sorry.. I know you liked Gerard, I did too..But I think I need to move on, and I think I'm going to be okay."

I let a few tears roll down my cheeks as I pull out of the parking lot and drive in the opposite direction of the Way household.

I can only imagine what they're up to tonight.

Don't leave me here Gerard.

I want to beg and scream, but I have to force myself to walk away. It hurts so fucking bad.

Mikey's POV

Gerard falls asleep as the movie gets closer to its end and I find myself getting a bit tired as well. I stir a bit trying to get comfortable and accidentally wake Gerard in the process.

I'm scared that he's going to be angry that I woke him up but he just yawns. "Wanna go get in my bed?" He asks sleepily and I nod, I'd much rather be comfortable in there than fighting to sleep in here.

We stand up and I turn the TV off as we head out of the room.

Gerard takes my hand and leads me down the steps into his room. The smell of cigarettes, coffee, and cologne flood my nose and I feel very comforted by it. I leave my shirt on, when I'm alone I sleep with it off, but I can't make myself do it in here.

"You're beautiful Mikey," He murmurs sleepily as we climb into the bed and he cuts the small bedside lamp off. "You're amazing Gerard," I say back as he wraps his arms around me and cradles me as we both start to drift off to sleep.

"I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you by dating Frank." My stomach lurches a bit, how had he known that I had been hurt by that? Had it been obvious?

"I always told myself that you turned your head because I'm your brother. I didn't know how bad it hurt, you've never brought anyone home, I've never had to turn my head."

I nod even though he can't see me. "It's okay Gerard. I was hurt, but right now is what's important. Right now and the future."

"You're absolutely right and trust me, I'm going to do everything I can to make things better than they have been."

I nod again and smile. "Nothing is better than just being here next to you."

"I love you Mikey," He whispers and I feel like I could cry. He hadn't said that in so long. I turn so that I'm facing him.

In the dark I can just barely make out his facial features. "I love you too Gee," I say shakily and he pulls me closer.

I let my eyes fall closed and neither of us speak after that.

Gerard's POV

My phone rings from the bedside table. I quickly grab it so that the sound of the vibrations against the table don't wake Mikey. I see the time first.

3:52 AM
Incoming Call From: Frankie.

I wince and answer it, not speaking, just waiting.

"C-can you walk outside? I'm on your front porch." I feel my stomach turn.

Oh god. Why does his voice sound like that? Is he crying?

"Yeah, I'm coming." I whisper and force myself out of bed. Rushing out of the room, for Frank to be here at such an insane time must mean something isn't right.

When I get the front door open, I step out onto the porch and see the small man standing to the far left, tears rolling down his face.

"Frank? Oh my god, are you okay?" I ask rushing over to him and wrapping him in a tight hug. He sobs into my shoulder and wraps his arms around me.

I look at him when his crying slows down a bit. "What's going on Frank?" I question nervously. "I-i'm leaving."

My stomach knots up and I pull away entirely. Staring at him shocked.

How had he managed that in less than a day?

"W-what?" Frank shakes his head and more tears roll down his pale cheeks.

His hair is a mess and I can tell he's been crying for hours.

"I keep having these weird mood changes. It's like I cry, and then I get angry, and then I'm okay, and then it starts over."

I'm still put off from his previous statement. "Y-you're leaving?"

Frank bites his lip and nods. "I..I have to or I'm never going to feel better."

I feel my heart shatter into millions of pieces.

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