Chapter 41: It Can't Be Over.

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Gerard's POV

I hear Mikey walk around the house for a few minutes, and then there's a still silence as I make my way over to my desk. I feel horrid, what had I just done to Mikey? He already thinks so poorly of himself, and he's obviously in a dangerous mindset.

He's too old for me to chase him down. I mean, maybe he's right, all he needs is a walk, and then he'll come back and we'll figure all this out. I just couldn't feel right touching him when not even 24 hours ago I was still unsure if being with him was a good idea.

There's nothing wrong with him physically, he's very very attractive, but this weird obsession in his mind, where he thinks everything should be about getting smaller. He lives his life so close to death, it's almost morbid to be around him sometimes.

He smiles, and talks, and pretends like he hasn't been avoiding food for two days. I could never do it. It takes a certain level of tolerance to be as good at being sick as he is. You have to sit through contorting, awful hunger cramps. You have to stay upright and responsive even though you're very close to passing out. Then, at the end of the day, you have to watch everyone else eat while you put on a show and slip food into your cup or napkin.

I've watched him do this for so long, and I've always known he wasn't well, but I have never been as off-put about his behavior as I am right now.

I send the universe a small plea for Mikey's safety, that's all I can do for now. I need to focus on the chance at hand with this comic. 

Mikey's POV

As I make my way down the icy street in the direction of the park I open the pill bottle and dump at least 15 of the capsules into my palm. I peek over each of my shoulders before leaning my head back and forcing them down my throat.

My eyes water and my heart pounds as I drop the empty pill bottle into the gutter and speed up my walk. The world looks so much brighter right now, so vivid and serene, it's crazy how it all get's beautiful just before becoming extremely ugly.

Frank's POV

Me and Kellin are the first two to arrive at the park. I was having a small get together at Carrington Woods Park before I leave tomorrow night. "I just can't believe you're leaving. I always thought you and Gerard would be here forever, you guys had that Jersey vibe." Kellin states as he flicks a few ashes off the tip of his cigarette.

"I don't even want to think about Gerard anymore. The whole point of me taking off so suddenly is because I need an immediate break." I state and Kellin nods. "Speaking of Gerard, isn't that his brother over there?" Kellin asks pointing over my shoulder.

I turn my head to see a very distraught Mikey walking quickly in the direction of the nature trail. "Yeah," I say as I take note of his droopy shoulders, and then how he stumbles a bit.

I peer around and see that Gerard isn't with him, and that his hair is a fucking mess. "He doesn't look too good." Kellin states halfheartedly and I nod. "Yeah, I'm uh.. gonna go check on him, something doesn't feel right."

Kellin stays sat at the picnic table as I stand up and start to walk towards Mikey. His long legs glide beneath him, quickly, and shakily. I speed up a little and finally catch up to him, he doesn't even look at me until I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey kid, are you okay?" I ask as he looks at me with very dilated pupils. "Oh God Mikey! What'd you do?" He's obviously taken some type of drug. Cocaine? Heroine? Meth?

"Mikes!" I shout and he shakes his head no. "Nothing Frank, what're you talking about? Don't touch me!" He says weakly trying to push my hand off of his shoulder. "Have you been eating?" I ask lowly and he stumbles away from me.

"Frank, I can't see." He says as he places his hands over his eyes. "F-fr-frank?" He stutters and then his legs give out. He falls backwards into the grass as his eyes start to droop. 

"Kellin! Call an ambulance!" I scream without looking back as I dive to the ground next to Mikey. My stomach is in knots and I can hardly breathe and I shake his shoulders roughly. "M-Mike! Get up, come on!" I plea as I check his pulse, it's speeding. I look into his droopy eyes, he's in shock or something.

His entire body starts to jerk and shake around beneath my hands and his eyes roll back. "Oh my God! He's having a seizure!" I cry out standing up and stumbling back away from him. Kellin runs over to me and covers his mouth in shock. "The ambulance is on the way. Fuck Frank call Gerard!" Kellin instructs as he kneels next to Mikey and tries to protect him from accidentally hurting himself.

My hands shake violently as I rip my phone from my pocket and hit speed dial for Gerard's number. It rings three times before he picks up and when he does I let out a broken sob. "Frankie?" He questions and I place my hand over my chest.

"M-Mikey, we're in Carrington Woods Parks," 

"He came to see you?" I let out another sob as I hear sirens approaching in the distance. "He fell and he's having a seizure, I just saw him stumbing around the nature trail. Kellins trying to help him."

There's no words from Gerard but I can hear feedback as he runs through his house. I hear his keys rattling around as the ambulance pulls up. I wave my hand in the air and shout, "Over here! He's over here, on the ground!" 

"I'm headed to the hospital, is he still moving? Mikey? Can I talk to him?" Gerard's getting really worked up on the other line. "Has he been doing drugs?" I ask as the paramedics push Kellin away and start pulling Mikey around like a toy. "N-no, not that I know of. He told me he was going on a walk like fifteen minutes ago, he was a little upset."

"Gerard?" I say shakily as a stretcher is rolled quickly over to us. "What?" He asks, his voice broken with tears. "I..I'm so sorry." I say and then hang up as the ambulance starts to speed away from us.

I look at Kellin, "I..what do I do?" I ask shakily as I sit down in the grass and pull at a few strands of my hair. "Go to the hospital and find out what happened, I'll stay here and tell everyone what's up, they'll understand. If we have to we'll all come to the hospital later, Gerard needs you right now."

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