Chapter 13: The Wall.

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Frank's POV
I work in the same building as huge music producers everyday.

Reprise Records is a big one that's always looking for new music and I can play pretty well.

I could surely find a way into that, and I also have sales skills, a good worker record, and I have never been fired, plus tattoos and piercings don't affect people in the music business.

I pick up my phone and text Brian, the main music producer in the entertainment end of my building.

Outgoing Message. To Brian:
Hey man, sorry to bother you while you're working. I'm taking the day off for domestic issues and I was wondering if we could sit down sometime next week to discuss a musical career for myself. I'm getting so restless in my desk job filling out paperwork when I spent my entire highschool years learning how to play guitar like a musician.

He may take a while to answer since he was managing like seven huge bands and was usually busy every single day, but it was worth sending the message to get the idea into conversation.

I have to mention it to Gee, of course I'm not just going to quit and not help him get his comic in there, but he would probably be pretty stoked to hear I was pursuing music.

Outgoing Message To Gerard:
Hey, I sent Brian from Reprise Records a message  about a possible music career for myself in the future. Just thought I'd let you know. Xx

I put my phone back down on the bed and went to picking at my guitar, just a few more hours and I'd feel heaven for the last time in God knows how long.

It not like I couldn't just go into the club and pick someone up, I just wasn't much of a fan of one night stands since my sexual experience was low and limited to Gerard and a girl named Lilah.

Mikey's POV

I think about the kiss me and Emerson had exchanged the other day in the bathroom, it was hot, but the kiss with Gerard was so much more.

It was a kiss with someone I actually knew, someone who actually had permission to kiss me, unlike Emerson.

I wasn't as afraid of Gerard as I was of Emerson, Gerard had never offered to help me kill myself, and I had literally been around Gerard since the day I was born, I was bound to be almost a little more comfortable with him than I would be with Emerson.

Although those few years of almost no speaking with him for no reason were painful and really drove a wedge between me and Gerard, there is no bigger obstacle than unfamiliarity in a new relationship, and unlike Gee, Emerson was made up of everything sickly familiar to me.

I used to be just like him, and I can see why me and Gerard grew apart, it's petrifying to look at someone and not know when they're going to drop dead, knowing that they are constantly in a state of deterioration is sickening, and it was just the same to be around him when he was an addict.

We both ran away from it as fast as we could, and our want and need for each other is roping us right back in. 

I haven't forgotten the taste of alcohol in my brothers mouth yesterday, he's still addicted, he had a huge obstacle to face and he dealt with it by trying to suffer the hard part drunk.

I can't believe I've fallen down this mental rabbit hole that I patched up so well over the past half of my life.

I sigh and close my eyes for a moment to block out the daylight that was no longer shadowed by morning clouds.

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