Chapter 45: I Might Just See You Around.

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Mikey's POV

My mom places her hand on my shoulder. "Wipe your eyes Mikey. You know how to do this. You'll get through it." She states encouragingly and I nod.

I wipe my eyes with a shaky wrist and then the door opens.

Gerard's POV

A small female nurse and two men walk into Mikey's room pushing a wheelchair.

I follow, biting my lip. I know this part.

"Alright Michael, it's time to go, you'll be spending the next three weeks at Oak Grove Treatment and Wellness Centre. Your discharge papers will be mailed to your guardians home."

My mom stands up, leans over and presses a gentle kiss to Mikey's forehead. I feel tears rushing to my eyes, I wish we had been given more time.

Mikey looks over at me as the female nurse begins to pull the tubes and wires from Mikey's arms and chest.
I mouth out I love you and he sighs. Forcing a smile as a discreet response.

My heart feels heavy as Mikey stands up and sits in the wheelchair as the female nurse resets the heart monitor beside the bed.

"We're going to have to ask you two to leave. Michael is no longer in our care." She states and my mom nods, as we walk out behind them she puts her arm around my shoulders.

We stand in the hallway silently as they wheel Mikey out to a waiting ambulance. Tears roll down my face as my mom clears her throat.

"I need to go back to work," she states lowly. I sigh, "Take a day off some time soon." I say walking away from her.

I need to find Frank and the fact that my mom is going back to work tonight makes me angry.

I step outside to the smoking area for patients where Frank is on the phone.

"You promised me you would get better while I was gone but you're dating your sickness!"

I have no idea who he's talking to.

Frank's POV

My little sister Perry sighs on the other line. "I'm fine Frank, Emerson isn't anorexic, what're you talking about?" I laugh loudly, looking over at Gerard who looks extremely confused.

"Oh really? How come Mikey blacked out in the park today and told me and Gerard he got pills from Emerson to help him starve himself! Should I get mom to buy you a drug test from the store?"

Perry gasps and goes silent for a moment. "Frank I.."

"I'll be home soon, fucking be there. We need to talk." I state and then hang up the phone.

Gerard walks over to me, tears rolling down his face. "Who was that?" He asks and I groan loudly.

"Fucking Emerson! Perry's dating him and she's probably been taking the pills too." I state feeling sick to my stomach.

I instinctively reach out and wipe away a few of Gerard's tears. "T-they took Mikey," he stammers bowing his head and crying.

I pull him into a tight hug, his body shakes with sobs as I trace small shapes against his back.

"Calm down Gerard," I murmur closing my eyes. For a moment I let myself imagine we were still together. "Everything alright," I state, but I'm really talking to myself.

Gerard pulls himself together and looks up at me.

I can't help​ but look at his lips. I miss them. I miss being close to him.

"Can I?" I feel awful for even asking for a kiss but Gerard doesn't look revolted.

"Yeah." He states shakily and my eyes widen.

I lean up and press my lips against his gently. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him, his tears dampening my face a bit.

It's so wrong to Mikey, but I'll be gone well before he gets back. He doesn't have to know about this part.

I don't want to pull away but I need air so I place my hand on Gerard's chest and lean away, biting my lip.

"Frank I.." I can't help it. I want more, so I push him back slightly so he's against the wall and I kiss him again.

He tenses but then places his hands on my lower back. I bite his lower lip and he grabs my ass.

I arch and break the kiss. Gerard turns his head and stares at the sidewalk. "I-I've gotta go home and handle Perry but...will you please come with me? I don't want you to be alone tonight." I offer.

Gerard sighs. "Y-yeah, thanks." He says and I smile, pulling away. "Come on, I'll bring you back to get your car tomorrow morning." I say leading him to the back parking lot where I had left my car this afternoon.

Mikey's POV

As they push me past my mom and Gerard I feel like I could vomit. I want to say sorry, I want to hug Gerard and never let go.

I want to do anything other than get in this transport ambulance and go to Oak Grove so they can force some of their frozen, processed food down my throat until I weigh enough.

They can fill me with all the food they want but there's still gonna be a monster in my head.

They can keep me away from the world for as long as they want. I'll still want to end my life. I can't get better. I can only get out of facing it.

Gerard's out there somewhere with Frank, and god only knows what's going to happen now.

What have I done?

As they put me into the back of the ambulance and pull away from the hospital I keep asking myself over and over again how I ended up here.

I shouldn't have gone to the park. I shouldn't have let Gerard get that close to me.

The ambulance hits a few bumps as the nurse across from me stares me down. "Have I seen you before?" She asks breaking the silence and I look up at her quizically.

"Alright hun, if you can hear me I want you to know you're gonna live. You've had an episode is all." I open my eyes, looking up at a stranger as she picks me up off the ground and lays me on a stretcher.

That was the nurse that picked me up from school when I passed out. "Y-yeah, you've come to my school once."

She smiles kindly, "Right. You're the kid that passed out. Nothing's changed has it?" She asks sympathetically and I sigh.

"I guess not." I admit weakly. "You're not gonna like where you're going, but maybe it'll help you shake this thing. You sad teenagers kill me, coming in here either all sliced up at the wrists or skin and bones. We picked up a girl this morning who had overdosed, she's​ pretty much dead."

I look down at the ground as tears roll down my face.

"Don't cry, don't sit there and cry, you're not her. You're not dead but you're getting there so you need to take advantage of this treatment. I don't wanna be there when you die, and if you do I'll have to be, so just don't kid."

I nod but I still feel sick to my stomach. "You're gonna be alright, you know that don't you?" I shake my head no and she sighs.

"Maybe we'll have a more optimistic conversation in..." She flips through her clipboard. "Three weeks when you come home." She states as the ambulance parks almost on cue.

The door opens and a few women stand waiting. They smile at us as the small nurse helps me out of the ambulance. The other women place their hands on my shoulders and wrist as if I were about to put up a fight.

"Welcome to Oak Grove Treatment and Wellness Centre of Greenville New Jersey. We're pleased to have you in our care." One of them states as they usher me into the dark, old looking building.

I bow my head and follow.

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