Chapter 33: Still Holding On

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Frank's POV

"Look man, I don't care if you or Satan comes on tour with us, I just want to make sure I can go. If that means you're gonna have to go well then I'll get on my knees and beg."

Adrian had gleefully accepted my request. So now all I have to do is call the dad and talk to him. I'm good at talking parents down, I mean, I've had to explain a lot in my lifetime.

I walked to my office, my hands shaking a bit the whole way. My last night in Jersey is in three days, and I have to get out of the office as soon as fucking possible.

I turn the light in my office on and sigh when I see a picture of me and Gerard on my desk. I close the office door and walk over to it, laying it down, and sitting in my chair.

I open up my laptop and pull up the file for Last Nights Ride. I needed to know the last names in order to properly address the family with respect.

I pull the sticky note off of the stack of insurance numbers, and stick it to the corner of the screen, examining the phone numbers. The area code was from Arizona, the kid must have come a long way.

Brian said he was a college dropout, either he was fucking loaded, or he got a scholarship. Which is possible because he is in a band, probably some music thing.

I dial the number and listen to it ring, putting it on speaker phone and setting it on the desk as I scroll through Adrian's files, looking for some school information. I wanted to know how this kid behaves, he's gonna be my responsibility. I'm just as much his ticket out as he is mine.

A deep voice picks up. "Peneli Residence, may I ask who's speaking?" I frown, it's one of those families.

"Hey, I'm Frank Iero from Reprise Records. I'm calling in regards of Adrian Peneli," The man is silent for a moment and then he speaks. "This is his father," I nod even though he can't see me.

"Hi Mr.Peneli, my name's Frank. I'm the insurance manager and supervisor at Reprise Records, and you're son Adrian is doing some pretty great things. See, his band is signed up to tour the southern part of the United States starting next Tuesday night. Since Adrian is not yet an adult, he needs parental permission to leave the state."

The man laughs, "Prank calls are illegal kid." I scoff and roll my eyes, this guy is a major ass. "No sir, I know that, and I'm twenty two years old. I'd be with your son 24/7 to monitor to him, and I have 100% experience doing this. Adrian's a really well behaved kid and I'd be very happy to keep my eye on him."

There's another moment of silence on the line. "Can I speak with Adrian please?" I sigh, "He's currently recording for his bands album. This is a huge opportunity for him sir, I don't think you'll want to talk him out of it. This could mean big things for him."

I feel terrified, I can't tell this man that I need his son to leave Jersey. He has to think I'm a mature adult who's managed teens on a tour, which I haven't. This kids probably gonna get inside of more girls than I ever have, and swallow more pills than a patient, but I have to be able to get me, him, and all his band mates on that bus Tuesday night.

"I never believed in him, and I just wanted him to know how proud I am of him. Can you tell him to get in touch with me please?" I smile, "Of course. He seems to be a very calm, light-hearted boy, I'm sure he'll understand. I mean it's hard to believe in something so off the wall but he's very talented."

The man sniffles. "He's got my permission. Do you guys have a date set up in Atlanta Georgia?" I look through the papers Bryan had handed me.

Belleville Bar, New Jersey (12/24/16)
Jersey Beach, New Jersey. (12/27/16)
Verizon Amphitheatre, Atlanta Georgia. (1/4/16)

I smile when I see the date. "On the fourth of January at the Verizon Amphitheatre." The man takes a few deep breaths. "I'll get in touch soon about ticket arrangements. There should be no problem with you seeing the band if Adrian gives consent. So make nice with him, I'd love to meet you Mr. Peneli."

The man moves around on the other end. "And you, Frank, are in charge of him. If he gets hurt I'll see to it that you lose your job, and Reprise Records gets a nice lawsuit." I swallow and force out a weak laugh.

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about Mr.Peneli, this was a good choice."

I hang up the phone, and let out a loud laugh. Oh my god! I can leave! I'm free.

I don't ever have to come back...If I don't want to.

I think about the Way brothers and my fire is relit. I have to leave. I need to leave.

My little sister Perry comes to my mind. Her telling me that she had considered starving herself, she needed someone here to keep an eye on her, and I think I'm the only person that knows.

I can't rat her out and leave, I'm supposed to be here. I can't though. Adrian is so set on leaving. Mr.Peneli is eager to see his son perform. Bryan is looking forward to getting this band on the road. And I have no purpose here anymore, I was only ever staying for Gerard.

I stopped loving this town years ago.

I stand up and run a hand through my hair, letting out a slow sigh.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I miss Gerard. I don't want to leave but I've dug myself into a hole already. I feel my eyes tearing up and I feel so frustrated with myself for being upset again.

What did I think I was going to do? Hop up and walk away from all that time and it wouldn't bother me?

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so dull all the time? I always make these horrible decision's and I always get left behind.

I pick up the picture of me and Gerard off my desk and hold it to my chest. It's not okay. It's so not okay.

Why did I ever tell Gerard it would be okay? Why did I have to love him? Why did I have to love him enough to let him go?

Have I let him go?


I let him let go of me...

I'm still holding on.

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