Chapter 11: The morning after.

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Gerard's POV

When I wake up Mikey is not on the couch, mom's car was parked in the front yard and the living room was still dark. I sat up and looked at my phone.


I read the message and instantly become worried.

Outgoing Message To Frankie:

That's awful, Perry is beautiful just the way she is. I'm sure she's smart enough to figure it out, just be there for her. Mikey took things really well, we even kissed and fell asleep together.

I almost feel bad sending the message, me and Frank didn't exactly break up and I had technically cheated on him.

He told me to open with Mikey, not to make out with him, but Mikey's kiss was worth the guilt.

He answers almost instantly and I read it as I walk into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

I see Mikey sitting on the back deck looking at the streets, he liked snow. 

Incoming Message From Frankie:

Oh wow, that's nice I guess, good for you. Can we see eachother in person today please?

I feel slightly worried, I mean soon me and Frank are going to have to part ways, it's already been made clear that we aren't working out.

Outgoing Message To Frankie:

Tonight, come to my place. 

I look out the window at Mikey as the coffee pot starts to brew. He's so peaceful out there, I won't disturb him.

He's probably processing a lot right now.

I walk down to my mom's bedroom and realize she's probably asleep and decide not to speak to her. I walk down the steps into my room and open my folder containing the comic book for Frank.

I needed to get it finished and out of Frank's hands.

I sit down and pick up my pencil quickly starting to sketch the last image of one of the sisters, the amount of work and time that I had put into the story was pretty amazing and I admired this work greatly, but I think it will forever signal me and Franks relationship because it was part of our strongest and weakest days.

I sigh when the lead on my pencil breaks and look down at my phone.

Incoming Message From Frankie:

Do you want me to stay with you overnight or is that not a good idea?

I feel warmth in my chest, Frank wanted to sleep next to me still, he doesn't think I'm a disgusting person, or at least he doesn't find me untouchable.

Mikey would most likely understand that Frank and I need some time, he's going to have to understand that in order for things to go smoothly.

It's all going to be so worth it in the end, I know it is. Me and Mikey will be happy together, we fit together. 

Outgoing Message To Frankie:

Of course I want you to stay overnight. You're still my boyfriend.

I remind myself not to be to happy with Frank. Yes, I need to enjoy these last moments with him as much as I can but I have to remember who I want more, Frank is comfortable and familiar but Mikey is new territory and he's so damn hot.

I get flustered by just thinking of my brother quite often, I wonder if it's the same for him.

I remember the first time I got off to the thought of Mikey.

We were sharing a room at the time, the master bedroom of the house that had a bathroom connected to it.

Mikey was taking a shower late at night, he had woken me up in the process of going into the bathroom but he didn't notice.

He was about fifteen and most fifteen year old boys are into masturbating. I was seventeen and what does every seventeen year old want constantly besides money?


We were both horny and depressed. 

He started moaning so softly and I could just barely hear him in the silence. It was so soft and beautiful, he sounded so relaxed which was so rare for Mikey.

I could tell when he came because he got extremely quiet for a few minutes, I thought he was done or at least the show was over and he was going to be quiet.

Then it started quiet and quickly, little breathy panting moans, that grew louder and deeper in pitch, until he let out a drawn out moan of absolute relief.

I came so hard that I almost screamed and I was hardly able to get my breathing back under control before Mikey exited the bathroom.

He slept like a rock that night, and I stayed awake mortified at what I had done.

The next month I moved into the basement and let Mikey have the master room for himself.

He seemed a little upset about it, a few weeks later he started to loose weight, and things spiraled from then to now. You know how the story goes.

 Booze, cocaine, depression, and Frank took a serious place in my life.

Starving, cutting, suicide attempts, anger, and anxiety controlled Mikey's every move and me and him just stopped hanging out like we used to.

I'd listen to him play guitar from my room rather than from beside him on his bed, I'd just assume he had an awful day like me, I never asked, but I always cared.

Underneath every single thing I've ever done since Mikey turned fourteen, I've thought and cared and worried about him, every action I've made was connected to thoughts about him and some way and that's just how I've learned to live.

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