Chapter 54: Coming Home

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to say this quickly. Most of the comments seemed interested in the Frerard fic but honestly I have a better time writing Waycest. 

The next fic out will be a sequel to this one and it's going to have a bit of everything. (Waycest, Frikey,  & Frerard)

Enjoy the chapter!!


Mikey's  POV

I smile at  the therapists as they tell me how much weight I've gained over my stay and how much they feel I've grown and helped the other patients.

They each give me a reassuring pat on the shoulder or hug and I truly feel loved. I hand in my journal and say good bye to everyone except Matt who's no where to be found. It's when I'm heading back to my room to get my clothes that I hear nurses shouting for everyone to go in there rooms.

"Patient Matt Greene committed suicide," I hear Dr.Peneli say breathlessly and instead of going to my room I run in the direction of his. Sure enough, at the center of all the nurses and doctors, is Matt's lifeless and hanging body.

A nurse pulls me out of the room forcefully and I stumble into the lobby as she tightly grips my forearm. "Wait out here for your family, we'll need your guardian to sign for you when they get here." I nod and shakily make my way over to one of the chairs.

Gerard's coming to get me and mom is getting off work early later on. I blink a few times and let out an exasperated sigh. Pushing all thoughts of Matt out of my head, I don't have to think about these people today. 

Think happy thoughts. 

I wait for about fifteen minutes before I see my bright haired brother stepping through the doors. I jump up, leaving my bag in my seat and running over to him as fast as I could. He smiles widely and I burst into tears as I squeeze him.

"Lets get you the fuck out of here," He murmurs into my shoulder and I nod. "Just go over there and tell them you need to sign me out." I say pointing to the receptionist desk as I head over to get my things from my seat.

When we walk out of the building I see a firetruck approaching along with a police officer and I know why there here. Gerard shoots me a questioning look. "Someone hung themselves," I state lowly and he sighs. Putting his arm around me as we walk to his car.

I look up at the trees as we walk, they look so different than the constantly trimmed trees in the outside area behind the treatment center. Gerard opens the passenger door for me and I glance back at the hospital one last time before getting in.

Never again, I promise myself. This will never happen again.

Gerard's POV

I was beyond excited to have Mikey home. The house is spotless and I just want to get him behind closed doors so I can kiss him.

I look over at him as I drive. He looks out the window, observing everything. The silence between us scares me. I can't let things happen like they did last time. I have to know how to be around Mikey. He's not a different person.

Well, he sort of is. I can tell just by the way he walks and the way he acts, he's not too concerned about what he weighs and eats. It makes me beyond happy. "I kept my promise," I say breaking the quiet.

He looks over at me and smiles. "I know, I can tell. You're like a different person," He states and I laugh. "It's like you read my fucking mind, I was just thinking about how different you seem. Good different of course, but different for sure." 

He nods and I sigh. "I just don't want you to think it's going to be like last time. I want things to be different." I say and he just looks back out the window.

I think about the way I felt before Mikey left, how I didn't know if me openly feeling romantic towards him was good for his head. The feeling left for a bit but it's creeping back into the edges of my brain right now. I bite my lip, thinking about how I had gone home with Frank the night Mikey left.

I suppose my guilt is obvious on my face because Mikey places his hand on my thigh and smiles at me. I glance down at his hand and then over at him nervously. "I know it's overwhelming, and I know I've been gone for a long time but I still love you Gerard. If anything I can love you better now, I can truly care about you and only you."

I move my leg a bit and Mikey pulls his hand away, "Right. Too much too soon." He states and looks back out the window.

I curse under my breath and light a cigarette as Mikey turns on the radio. Wonderwall by Oasis is playing and tears start to roll down my face.

I sniffle and it catches Mikey's attention. "Why are you crying?" He asks as I pull into the driveway of our house. He looks at it with wonder filled eyes, leaving the keys in the ignition so the song could finish. I feel like I should tell him about Frank but I can't make myself do it. 

I turn towards him. "Is my love hurting you Mikey? Like..c-can you handle this right now?" I ask and he scoffs. "I can't handle if you try and get away from me again. Fuck Gerard. Look, I'm anorexic, I'm a fucking medical statistic."

He lifts up his shirt, showing off how his ribcage was just barely visible and I start crying a bit harder. "But I'm better now, and I need you to love me." He says and I nod my head. Wanting nothing more than to hold him.

I glance around to make sure no one is watching us and I press my lips against his as hard as I can. Tears are still rolling down my face as the song on the radio ends and Mikey pulls away breathlessly.

"Let's get inside." I say smiling and he nods, wiping his own tears away as we get out of the car.

I carry his bag for him and put my arm over his shoulders. "I'll never leave you again Gee." He states and I nod as I unlock the door. "Welcome home Mikey," I state as we step in. He looks around the clean house and steps into the kitchen.

I had hung back in the living room for a few minutes. "What the fuck?" Mikey questions from around the corner.

Confused I walk over to him, dropping his bag on the floor at what I see.

Frank fucking Iero was sitting at our table.

I hadn't left Frank here, last I checked he was touring the fucking United States.

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