Chapter 19: I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore

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Mikey's POV

"They're medically known as Lisdexamfetamine, most people just call them vyvanse. They're used to treat ADHD and binge eating disorders, a few years ago I was diagnosed with both but I'm not going to take them."

I feel completely terrified, but at least it wasn't Ritalin or Adderall. This still sounded insane and I have no idea why I haven't walked away yet. 

It's not like him explaining what this medicine is to me is going to make it where it's safe for me to take it, I don't have a binge disorder and I don't have ADHD.

"Mikey relax, please listen to me." Emerson takes my hands in his uses his thumb to rub small circles against my palms. 

"You're going to be okay, I get that you're nervous. I'm no doctor, but I've been dealing with this for seven years, and helping people like you for five, no one I have ever helped has died, because I know how to keep you alive and empty. Before I can explain anything more to you, I need you to trust me, and I need you to commit to this. Say it Mikey, say 'I am strong enough. I trust you to teach me to be even stronger.' It's just a few simple words and everything you came here for can be all yours." 

I could scream, I feel my heart racing in my chest and goosebumps appearing along my forearm.

"I-I am strong enough. I trust you to.." I stop and bite my lip, looking him in the eyes.

He offers an encouraging smile and I decide I have to, I can't stay this way forever, and it'll only get worse if I don't seek his help.

"I am strong enough, and I trust you to teach me to be even stronger." 

Emerson leans forward and presses a small kiss to my cheek, opening my hand and placing the pill bottle in it.

"We're going to have a lot of fun." All the nerves that had been eating me alive since Thursday disappear, it's all falling into place now.

Soon I'll have Gerard, and I'll be thin, and I don't have to do it alone.

I smile and look down at the pill bottle in my hand. Gee would be so ashamed right now, he'd probably slap me and cry. It feels almost exciting to know that I'm doing something that excludes thoughts of him.

Almost everything I've ever done has had something to do with getting closer to him.

Then it occurs to me that I want to loose weight to make myself better for him, but is this really the way to do it?

"That look of doubt looks awful on you. I think you need to be shown just how strong you are."

I look at him, is he trying to come on to me? 

He smiles, "I want to start you on the diets I used, but you're going to have to eat a little first. This is perfect timing, it's before seven which is good, tomorrow you're fasting, and then the day after you stay below 300 calories. We'll talk about day three when it gets here."

I feel frightened, that sounds so dangerous, my body is going to shut down. 

"Mikey, I did it and I'm right here still standing and operating fine."

He doesn't seem to be operating all that well, there's no rationality to his thoughts, he lives with no anxiety because he knows he's strong enough to be thin.

This is a once in a lifetime thing, he's offering to teach me to be as talented as he is, I have to take it.

"H-how much weight is this going to make me lose?"

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