Chapter 32: The Calm Before The Storm

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Frank's POV

I sit down across from Brian and set my hands in my lap. "So, the band Last Nights Tragedy is having some issues with the lead man Adrian as you can see." I nod. "His parents won't agree to him going on tour but he has to go on tour. However, the company can't afford to send him legally and risk him being caught for it."

I nod. "I uh. . I might have an idea. Just give me the papers for a few days and I can work this out. I need the phone numbers of the parents I can speak with them and see about them letting me..Like take care of him on tour."

Brian's brows go up questioningly. "You want to go on tour?" I pause for a moment and then nod. "That's what I wanted to talk about... I've had some personal affairs let's leave it at that, I want to leave Jersey. I can play the guitar, I can find a spot for myself on the road no matter what it is Brian, I can get this band on the road with Adrian, on time, if you consider me."

Brian is quiet for a moment, then he starts to shuffle papers. "Iero, you've been my employee for a long time and you've never fucked up or made me question you. This is a big step though, have you really thought it through?"

I nod instantly and he sighs. "I guess...I can give you some copies of these documents and call a few managers. You could end up playing, loading equipment, security, or you could end up being Adrian's babysitter for a few months until he turns eighteen."

I nod again, my stomach doing Summersaults. I'm leaving. I'm leaving New fucking Jersey. My ticket out, slipped into my back pocket just like that.

"The tour is going south, out of Jersey downward. Hitting a main city right on state lines, and then you'll go down to Florida with them, Adrian will be eighteen two nights before the Daytona Beach show with Lincoln Park. Then if there's not a place for you on the tour as a watch dog, you'll be placed on the travel squad and possibly end up part time driving a tour bus or van."

I smile, "Im an adult Brian, I got this. Give me the papers and I'll go to my office and start calling. Is Adrian here?"

Brian checks something on his computer and nods. "Studio eight recording riffs with AJ, you know where it's at we had a meeting there not to long ago." I nod and stand up, Brian pases me a few copied papers and a sticky note with labeled phone numbers on it.

"Talk to Adrian before making any calls please." I nod and quickly leave the office before Brian can change his mind. My heart is racing so fast, I remember Gerard had asked me to call him. I'll do it tomorrow, tonight I'll be busy.

I make my way down the dim hall to the studio Brian had mentioned.

I can hear light guitar strumming.

What am I doing?
Who even cares. Not Gerard. Not New Jersey.
To late to back down now. You'll look insane.

Mikey's POV

Gerard looks like he could cry, but he holds it in if he wanted to. I look down at the duvet and let out a quiet sigh. "It's crazy isn't it?" Gerard asks and I nod my head.

"I didn't think in a million years you'd know..And you'd feel the same. I never expected it, but I always imagined it." Gerard's words make me smile.

All that time I spent thinking about him wasn't so wrong after all, he felt the same.

"I used to wonder if it was all my head," I say looking up at him and biting my lip.

Let's get this show on the road. I wanna test my freedom.

I lean in a bit closer to Gerard and lower my voice. "All those times you stared, all those times I thought I heard my name slip past your lips when you were showering." I climb ontop of Gerard and straddle his hips as he leans back on the bed.

I lean down and whisper in his ear, "I thought I was nuts. I guess not," I murmur and he laughs quietly.

His hands start off at my shoulders, and they trail down to my hips. "Trust me Mikey, you're definetly off your rocker in many other ways." I smile, he couldn't be more right.

I'm just happy he's staying the hell away from it and eating my lies.

I was about to lean down at kiss him when his hands traveled back up to my shoulder, then one hand to my neck, and then to my jawline.

He turns my head to the side slightly and presses a few butterfly kisses against my neck. I let out a long sigh of relief, that's what that feels like. I had seen Gerard bite down on Frank's neck many times when I should have looked away.

Then Gerard darts his tongue over the spot he had kissed, and then he bites down. I arch slightly but don't move away, I grind my hips down a bit and lean my neck over a bit more.

Gerard smirks against my skin, "Sensitive?" I just hum in response and trail my hand down Gerard's chest.

He continues to bite at my neck as I falter the movement of my hips and let my hand slip down between me and Gerard's pelvises.

Gerard starts to move his kisses upward a bit, getting farther away from my prominent collar bones. I'm so disgusting. I don't deserve this.

I push the voice away, I had never been this intimate with someone, and I really want to enjoy it without my eating disorder butting in.

I run my hand over the bulge in Gerard's pants and he lets out a small moan, biting onto my neck much harder than before.

His hands reach for the hem of my shirt.

He can't get my clothes off. He can't see my body. I'm not ready. I'm not perfect yet.

But I don't want to stop. I move my hips a bit to try and shake Gerard's hands away but it fails so I have to break the kiss.

My hands are shaking and my heart is soaring, I'm having a panic attack and Gerard's gonna know it the minute I speak.

I gasp for air and start to shake my head embarrassedly.

"I..I just..I c-cant go that f-far," Gerard cuts me off before I can make a bad comment about myself. He knows exactly what's going on and he moves his hands away from me entirely.

"Calm down Mikey, it's okay. I shouldn't have tried to take your shirt off you're right, it's fine." I can hear my heart beating and I feel extremely dizzy.

I can feel myself starting to sweat. Gerard slowly moves closer to me and pulls me into a hug. I lean on him and let out ragged sobs. He rubs my back and murmurs quiet words that I can't comprehend.

My vision blurs and my hearing goes to a buzz, but then it's all normal again. I go in and out of that several times and I try to just breathe through it.

Gerard's POV

Everything was going well and then Mikey's breathing faltered, his hands started trembling, and he completely tripped on his words. He was white as a ghost and I knew he was having a panic attack, I had seen it before.

I try and keep my distance and tell him everything's okay but he just starts to cry. So I gently pull him closer to me and try to help him through it, but I know he's in another world.

I want so badly to save him, but he's already gone, I just don't know where to. He could just be depressed. He may have just gotten a bit nervous, he's so obviously a virgin, and I mean this is very nerve wracking.

It's been a long day. I have to trust him. I have to hold my panic in for now, for the best.,

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