Chapter 14: Filler.

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(Slight trigger warning for the rest of the story because the storyline is mainly going to be focused around eating disorders and substance abuse, please always be aware of what you are reading.)

(Also sorry if this chapter is a bit uneventful I just needed to get this bit out of the way as it is important to the story. The next chapter will be much longer and much more exciting, Thank you guys so much for hanging onto this story with me)

Gerard's POV

I make two cups of coffee, leaving Mikey's bitter the way he likes it and then I make my way back downstairs.

I considered going to speak to my mother but she was probably asleep and I don't really know how to talk to her after all the things that have occurred since yesterday. 

I hand Mikey his cup of coffee and he smiles at me.

I sit on the bed next to him and sigh. I needed to talk for a few minutes, to just talk to my little brother. 

"I don't know where me and Frank are going to end up over the next couple of days. I don't know how tonight is going to go or anything," Mikey nods and looks at me sympathetically.

"Are you afraid?" The question slightly catches me off guard, because I hadn't yet taken the time to consider my own feelings.

It's like my heart and mind have been going like crazy since yesterday morning and now I'm finally seeing through the fallout vapors of my own self induced explosion.

"No," I state simply after making a decision.

I'm not afraid, because now I know that at the end of me and Frank's story there's a story for Mikey and I ready to be written.

"Now, yesterday before you came home from school I was horrified," I state lightly to lift the mood back up and Mikey smirks.

It was so rare when he smiled or smirked, and when he did it just felt so good to know that I had caused it.

"I can imagine, I've been terrified for years." He says and then looks over at me, "I uh.. I still am but at least I know it's going to be over soon." I feel like I could cry, how is he so beautiful?

"I think me and Frankie are going to uh sp-split up.. but I guess it won't be to bad if I have you to help me through it."

That sounded strange being directed from me to Mikey, I usually say things like that to Frank.

I haven't been comforted by the thought of Mikey having my back since freshman year. 

"Of course, I have never exactly been in a situation like this before but I don't think you have either," He laughs a little and I could literally eat him right now.

Oh my God. "So it will be a first for both of us," He concludes.

I feel happiness spread throughout my entire body.

Perry's POV

When I get to Emerson's house he's in his room drawing.

He kept getting texts from a kid named Mikey, the name sounds a bit familiar but I can't recall ever meeting anyone named Mikey.

I didn't ask, Emerson had friends that I didn't know, I had friends that he didn't know. 

I put on a plastic smile as I walked into his house, "You let yourself in?" I shrug as I climb onto the couch next to him and look down at his sketchpad.

He was a great artist, he drew a lot of intricate designs in deep colors,  "Well, I knew you were home alone."

He smiles before putting his pen down and giving me a quick kiss. 

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