Chapter Eight: Yours

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Gerard's POV

I try to mentally grasp what had just happened. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if I woke up in my bed right now.

Mikey climbs off the edge of the bed. "I'm gonna go make some food." He says quietly and I sit up.

"I can make us some soup. It's perfect weather for it and it's easy." I offer and Mikey pauses for a moment. The usual look of restraint  flashes over his face but then he nods. "Sure. I can find a movie or something."

I nod and we walk out of the basement and part ways.

I stop once I enter the kitchen and lean against the doorframe. I never thought I would be in this position but I had always wanted it.

It's kind of mellow and easy now that it's happening, I think the hard part it over. Now I just have to be there for him.

I don't have to be distant anymore and I don't have to be on edge because Frank knows and Mikey knows. I can't tell just how Mikey feels right now but he's being more open, and he did say that he wanted me, and Mikey usually only says what he means.

I walk over to the stove and turn it on.

Gerard Way, 20 years old, artist, little brother kisser.

I shake my head and push the thoughts back. Open minds and hopes, that's what got me here that's what's gonna get me to the end of this.

Frank's POV

After my shower I sat down by my door and looked at the wall for a little while.

I took slow breaths, I ignored my phone, and I allowed things to set in. I had always known Gerard and I would probably never be able to actually be together forever, he's to in love with heartbreak to maintain this all forever.

I think he really means it about Mikey though, it's very off the wall but not unexpected and not unbelievable.

I could never look at my sisters Lea and Perry like that, but Gerard and Mikey are different than me and my family.

It's obvious that I might be letting Gerard go soon but I want to get his art out first.

I want my part in his career over, I want to turn all of that over the art manager and stay in the music profession.

I look up at my ceiling and sigh. It was all different two years ago, but growing up is harsh, and this is just a step in some bigger story.

I'm not the kid with black and red anymore, I could probably loose the piercings now, it's time to be an adult. I don't know what else to do.

I clear my throat and allow my eyes to fill with tears. I know Gerard is off in another world right now but when his other side of his personality hits him once all the excitement with Mikey fades, he's gonna cry too.

We had such a great time together, he figured himself out through me, he held onto me when he was falling apart and I gave pieces of myself to him.

We graduated together, we grew up together, and Mikey was just in the background. Now he's coming in and I'm being pushed to the side.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and type a text to Gerard.

I hope you're staying warm tonight.

It felt right to just send some words his way, to remind him that I do still exist even if I'm not as important right now.

I feel like there's a weight in my chest as I stand up and walk over to my laptop. I had some emails to make, I needed to keep myself busy for the night.

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