Chapter 18: This Is It

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Mikey's POV

Gerard's car pulls out of the driveway leaving me waiting for Emerson to answer the door on the dark front porch.

It was a fair sized house, big enough for an only child and his parents at least, possibly even more.

I hear footsteps approaching and I take a deep breath, I know what I'm doing, I've been in this hole before, just never with someone else.

The door opens and Emerson smiles at me, "Hey man. Come in," He says stepping back to give me room to enter the house.

He closes the door and flicks the lock, I feel nervous, but I tell myself it's because this is a bad side of town.

"Hey," I say back as he leads me into a bedroom. There's a room with a drum kit and a desk much like Gerard's next to what I assume was his bedroom.

I guess he had it pretty good here, I can't imagine what led him to an eating disorder.

Well, you're born with it, it's something that's wrong in your brain, but there's usually a trigger to be pulled to really make someone act on it.

Once we get into his room he shuts the door and I stand against the wall while he sits down.

"So, Michael-" I cut him off, "Mikey. My name's Mikey." I say, usually I didn't correct people, but it looks like me and him are gonna get pretty close, he should probably call me what my family does.

"Mikey. Sorry, when was the last time you ate?"

His words seem to set off an empty feeling. I hadn't eaten today, but it hadn't really crossed my mind, I usually had to force myself to eat anyways, my appetite never came back.

"Last night when Gerard made that soup. But it was only like two cups." I say and Emerson raises his eyebrows.

"Boyfriend?" I blush and laugh quietly.

"Brother," I state but it almost feels like a lie, he was much more than my brother now.

"Oh. That's good, are you used to not eating?"

I inwardly cringe, he was asking all the touchy subjects.

I mean this whole visit to his house was touchy, of course he's gonna make me uncomfortable, what was I expecting?

He stands up and walks over to me, I flinch when he reaches out to touch the collar of my shirt but I don't move away.

It's like I'm his property, I need to go ahead and realize I don't have a say in what he does, I'm giving my body, my health, and my mental stability away to him like it's nothing when all of that should belong to me and Gerard.

He moves the top of my shirt to the side a bit and gently traces my collar bone with his fingertips.

I look at the wall to my left trying to avoid looking at him. I can't help but shiver from the gentle touch, I wasn't used to people having their hands on me besides a hug or a hand shake.

"Do you diet a lot Mikey?"

I shake my head, "N-no.. I uh.. got out of therapy a year or so ago for EDNOS which stands for-" Emerson's cuts me off.

"Eating disorder not otherwise specified. I know."

Of course he fucking knew.

The kid is literally the disease on legs.

"I knew you looked special. I'm happy I picked you." I feel fear roll up my spine, what is he talking about?

Picked me?

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