Chapter One - I Was Not Expecting THAT

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I've never been the girl you call lucky. Still I mange life. I've had my fair share of bad past but still didn't get luck. I was quite pissed about this. I think you would aswell. But somewhere in my mind I knew something was coming my way. 

The luck was coming my way. 

It came slowly and then all at once. Just like falling in love.

First it came as I had the luck to get ticket to one of my favourite bands. 

You guessed it. One Direction. I promise this will not be one of those stories so please bare with me. Don't Judge. 

Anyways I woke up the day me and one of my best friends were traveling to the capital to see them. We would have to take a 4 hour train ride to get there but it was worth it in my mind. We wouldn't just be seeing the boys there we would also meet up with a few friends we know up there. 

I'm buzzing from head to toe and tries not to check my phone more then I actually have to. It's hard though. They don't tweet anything and I assume they're still asleep. Clock's only six after all. 

"Em" Elin mumble and looks at me. She's pale as a ghost and looks guilty. I nod and sit down next to her. "I honestly don't know how to say this so I'm just going to say it" She said and swallowed hard. "Erm... Me, Uh, and Louis are related" She said so quietly that only I could hear it. 

I started to laugh but realized quite quickly that she wasn't joking around. "WHAT?!" I threw my hand over my own mouth. "I mean I'm not freaking out ha ha ha" I said and probably looked crazy. 

She let out a sigh and looked out of the window. 

"Please Em I need you as a friend right now not a fangirl please" She begged me and I sighed and for some minutes I gave it all up. She had always been there for me so now it was my turn to be there for her. 

"You know that I never knew my dad and that he died when I was three... The few memories I have of him I want to keep" She mumbled. "This would mean that he cheated on mum..." She whispered. "So you don't know it for sure?" I asked. "I know for sure I just wish I didn't I guess" She said and sighed. 

She started dig in her bag and pulled up a paper. 

Elin gave me a paper. 

Hi dad!

I forgive you. I really need you dad. Everyone got a nice dad and sure I've had mum's boyfriend but I want to look at you and see the similarities. I want a dad. Mum told me you wouldn't answer that you haven't for years but maybe you'd answer your own son. 

I couldn't keep reading. This was privet. I skipped to the end and there it was. Louis' signature. I glanced over at Elin. 

"What are you going to do?" I asked. Louis obviously didn't know that his dad was long gone. "He deserves to know... Mom told me that Dad always wanted to meet him but that Jay wouldn't let him" She told me and I nodded. "I guess that when Jay finally realized Louis needed him dad had already past" She mumbled.

Well this was a turn. Now the big question was what to do. How do you get in contact with Louis without looking like a fan wanting to meet their idol?

"What are we going to do?" I asked. "I... I thought maybe there are some security guard there... Maybe at the VIP entrance... We can show them all the letters" She said and opened her bag and I noticed there were hundreds of letters in there. I let out a sad sigh.

Poor Louis that had mailed his father so many times un knowing about the hard reality that he had passed away. 

"We got to be really lucky as well" I said. She nodded then she started laughing. "Yeah or we just tell them you're perrie" She laughed even harder and I burst out laughing. It was times like these I couldn't help but love the girl. Even in these sad times she could joke about. 

For those of you that didn't get the joke I'm going to explain it to you. At the moment I'm sporting the same purple hairdo Perrie once had. That's why Elin thought it was the brilliant plan to say I was her and easily enough get in on that. She was joking thought. 

We arrived at the arena and This was when I realized what a big place it was. We walked around the arena trying to figure where we would find it. It being Louis. It also being a security. We found the VIP entrance quickly and there two big men looking down on us. 

"Hello we need to talk to Winston" Elin said coolly. We knew that we wouldn't be able to talk to Paul because he's always with the boys but we would be able to talk to Winston. one of the guys turned around and looked skeptically at us. But sighed.

He called after Winston and soon enough the big guy stood in front of us. 

He was scaring the crap out of me but not Elin she stood there smiling sweetly. I slowly turned so I was standing more behind her. 

"No mater how I tell you this you'll have to read all these letters" She said and pulled up a bunt of letters. Louis' letters. "What are these and who are they from?" Winston asked taking them. "From Louis to my... erm dad" She said and looked down in her bag pulling out more of them. "Yeah right" He laughed. 

Elin just looked at him and slowly tears started to fall down on her cheeks. 

"Just read one of them" I mumbled and he let out a sigh and opened one. I gave Elin a Peace of paper to take her tears away which she did quickly. 

Winston's face had changed. He now looked shocked at Elin. "Tommy is my dad... and he passed away 13 years ago" Elin said and looked him in the eyes. "It wouldn't feel right to just casually send Louis a letter telling him his dad was dead... I wanted to do it personally" She said and then looked at me. "It's the only right thing to do" She mumbled and I nodded. 

Winston slowly started to nod. 

"I'll call Paul and tell him to tell Louis that he has some special people to meet and that it's urgent" He said and nodded at us. "Good" Elin said and nodded as well. "I'll show you to one of the rooms in the arena so come on" He said and we walked right into the arena. 

I never realized how big Friends arena was until you walked into it. Quickly I realized as well that we would defiantly get lost in there. Winston let us into a room where there were a bunch of water, fruits, candy all kinds of things. 

"Now stay here I'll be right back I just... Wait take these, I'm on my way to get you some backstage and VIP passes so STAY HERE" He said and I think he had already realized that Elin would be a copy of Louis and break every rule she could. 

We did stay there for about five or ten minutes. Then Elin found a rather interesting path and we were of on a new adventure. The actual adventure was us walking around in the arena seeing people walking past us without really paying attention to us. 

Soon enough Elin spotted some food and walked right in there. Believe me I tried to stop her. Especially when I noticed that it said One Direction on the door. 

"Elin" I growled. "What are they going to do? Huh? We'll find Winston and they'll get Louis and shit will be going down, PLUS I'm hungry and I want food" Elin said and took a bite of a chicken wing. "I don't fucking care Elin take that wing and lets go" I said and turned around. 

Just to walk right into Niall Horan. Well Fuck. 

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