Chapter Forty - Don't Leave Me

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I could hear him cry. Thought my eye lids were to heavy to open and my throat too dry for me to be able to talk. But I could hear him cry. I could hear him tell me all these things. I could hear him sobbing.

"Our love is like the one in movies, That one love that they say is true love, The one that isn't able to break" He sniffled. "I remember one of the first times we really talked... You told me that you didn't dated guys for fun... you were in it for forever" He hiccuped. "Then you told me that you were so scared because all celebrity couples seems to break and you didn't want that to happen" He said sternly and I remembered that Time on the park bench. "And I promised you that I would never leave, That I would fight to keep you safe, to be your personal soldier" He cried and my heart broke into millions tiny pieces.

It went quiet and the only thing that you could hear was my heartbeat monitor and the sound of the machine that pumped fluids into my body. He sobbed and I could feel his tight grip around my hand. Almost like if I was going to fly away. I wanted to cry. To give him a sign that I was fine. That I loved him just as much. But nothing. My body was numb.

"When I was a kid they used to tell me about love. The old ladys at dads bar told me all about finding that one person that just seem to bring colour into your life... You are that person Emma and you can't just Leave me now! Please don't leave me" He sobbed. "Loving you is like breathing, So easy and so Necessary... If I only could tell you about the songs I've written about you... the things you help me with just by living, breathing" He hiccuped. "I swear to god Emma if you survive this I'm never ever leaving your side... I should've said it before you became sick but you're it" He said.

The last part was so serious and so still that I wouldn't think he was crying unless I couldn't feel the tears touching my arm and hand. It became quiet and I couldn't feel the tears anymore. I was gone. 


The bright light was stinging my eyes but I was determined to open my them. When the light dimmed down a little bit I could make out one face. Niall. He looked so tired but those blue orbs were bright awake glittering in the sun. 

"I love you" It sounded raspy and my throat was dry but I didn't care he needed to hear it. There was alot more tubes attached to me now. I reached out for him and he reached over to give me a quick kiss. "I love you too" He whispered weakly. He looked exhausted and I wondered how long he had been waiting for me to wake up. 

Niall reached over and gave me a little water and I nodded and smiled. My chest was hurting. Not anything I could bare with thought. I looked where the meds was last time and this time it had joined five new meds. 

"The surgery was successful" Niall said with glittering tears in his eyes looking at me. "Then why are you so sad" I asked looking down to my hand. He was rubbing my hand holding it tight as if I was going to dissolve right in front of him. "You crashed a couple of times that's all" Niall said brushing the tears away with the hem of his hoodie. 

I died... Not only once. A couple of times. 

"Why?" I asked looking at Niall not really getting what had happened. "The cancer was close to your heart... it got quite weak over the surgery, so it gave up... a few time" Niall said saying it like it didn't mater. "But they have checked up on you and it wont be giving up again" He assured me which calmed me down a little. "I'm just so happy you're awake" He sighed and smiled tiredly. 

The tv made a sound and the news came on. They told the date and I stared at it. I had been down for a week. Niall should be in Australia for their tour. Stress was building up but the door peaked open and I could see Elin's face. 

"Girls she's really weak" Niall was already on his feet protecting me with his hole body. "Take a chill pill Nialler" Sabina said and walked past both Elin and Niall to sit down next to me. With her she had a bag with different goodies. Elin walked in passing Niall slowly looking with a worried expression at me. 

"We are here now Niall you can go sleep some hours" Sabina said when she traveled with my stare to Niall. He was about to protest but I shook my head. "Niall go, I'm going to be here when you get back" I said and he seemed to be battling with himself. "They're not going to leave my side, Okay? I love you" I said giving him the brightest smile possible. 

That seemed to do it for him. He walked over giving me a quick kiss before picking up his jacket and disappearing through the doors. Both Elin and Sabina was staring at me. 

"Spit it out" I groaned and wiggled my nose. The air thing that was in my nose was disgusting and was aching. "You look awful" Elin said and Sabina hit her arm. "Hey, it's the truth, You look like someone have dragged you under a truck or something" She said and I gave out a sigh. 

"Manja sends her love... she will be here in an hour or so" Sabina said and I nodded. "So what have I missed?" I asked and sat up in my bed. Which made it feel like someone was putting a knife through my lungs. Nicely. 

Before Sabina or Elin had the chance to start talking Dory came in. 

"Nice to see you awake!" She burst out and smiled walking right up to my bed with her little trail. "Do I have to have this in?" I asked pointing to the nose thing. She shook her head and helped me take it out. "Any pain?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes, just a little thought" I said and she nodded and tapped on one of the machines. 

"I'll be back in about two hours for next dose" She said and walked out the door. 

I turn to the girls and made a look like 'So tell me'. Elin drinks a little bit of my water and both me and Sabina expect her to start talking but she just shrugs. "Are you going to start talking soon or?" Elin said towards Sabina and I start laughing. 

"Well Honestly you haven't missed too much honestly" Elin said and shrugs. "Oh Oh Oh! She missed El and Louis got engaged!!" Sabina burst out and I smiled really wide. About time Louis got the guts to! "Lou is preggers, I got a job and The boys announced the next single" Elin said and I looked at her. 

"Oh my god! Feels like I've been gone a year" I said and laughed. "How did Louis propose even?" I asked. Honestly I didn't really see Louis as an romantic kind of guy but apparently he was. 

Elin started telling us about how it all went down and that He purposed on an island outside of Australia. Eleanor had of course said yes and nobody really knows more then that the ring is huge and the couple is extremely lovey dovy. 

"Wait shouldn't you guys be down under right now?" I asked and Looked at Manja too that just had joined us. "Actually me and Manja is flying out tomorrow" Sabina confessed and I frowned. Of course they have been with me all week but I've been down so I couldn't remember any of it. "Well you guys have fun okay? and tell Eleanor congratulations from me" I said and attempted a smile.

It was quite selfish of me to want them here with me when they had their boyfriends accross the globe waiting. I told them what I had remember. Niall crying and his stories. They all coo'ed over it but honestly it scared the crap out of me. 

"it took management alot to make Niall fly with us" My breath was caught midway and I started cough. "I'm assuming he hasn't told you" I shook my head while gulping down water at an abnormal high rate. "He could've hanged his mind thought" Elin tries and I shake my head. "No he need to go! Elin you'll stay right?" She nods and I breath out. No mater how strong I am, I didn't want to be alone. 

"We talked to your doctor and you'll be able to fly out for the last week of tour there" Sabina said and I looked at her a little bit confused. "Really? Will that be fine?" I asked and she nodded. "That's great!" I said and smiled happily. 

So Australia huh?

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