Chapter TwentySeven - REUNION

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We stood shifting not being able to stand still. In just a couple of minutes they'll walk out of the arrivals. Elin and I had... Well I had made this sign to them. It said welcome back and their names and there were a little glittery flag on there. 

I was so nervous. Why I don't know. Maybe because of the fact that Sabina and I had been crying on the phone yesterday. Happy tears with a hint of sadness. Sabina had happily told me about how Harry had surprised her with a visit. They had driven around town singing to the radio and that's when she had tweeted the lyrics. 

Standing on standsted again just reminded me on that first time arriving in this magical country and how at home I felt here. I know it sounds so cliché but it's just the truth. I would be lying if I said that I had wanted this since I was born because I have not. But I promise that When I took my first step into this country I felt home. 

None of my parents understood neither did the rest of my family but at a point I just felt like. If I feel at home somewhere what really stops me from living there? Nothing. Thankfully it was a steady ground to start your author carrier at so it all fell to place. 

Suddenly I saw Sabina. She was wearing Harry's sweat shirt. Something I realized quickly because It's one of his famous ones. 

"EMMA!!" She threw her arms around me and I started crying like a baby. Sabina was here again. She was in my arms. She's defiantly like my sister and being without her for such a long time takes a toll on you. I had missed her more then I had realized and were by now hiccuping into her shoulder. It was incredibly embracing but she was the same. 

Two weeks. Felt like a year. 

Soon I detached myself from Sabina and threw my arms around Manja. Her fluffy hair so soft against my skin. I had missed her. Her bubbly laughter especially. We needed that passivity in the group. Elin knocked on my shoulder and I looked up. 

"We need to get going" She said and glanced to her side. This is when I realized people. Teenage girls. Had been starting a small circle around us. I nodded quickly and we started moving towards the exit. We would take the bus to Victoria and eat at the Nandos there. If I knew Manja and Sabina right they would be in the feel for that after such a long time away from England. 

The girls disappeared as we walked away from the arrivals and maybe it was just our paranoia. We sat on the bus just talking. Many of the other people getting highly annoyed at us. But we didn't care. We talked the hole trip all the way to victoria. 

"The girls in the city were horrible! They followed us around!" Manja told us and Elin and I rolled our eyes slightly. "I'm not surprised... they must've been licking your buts like crazy to get in with the boys" I said and They nodded. 

We walked into the small Nandos at the street corner and I smiled. Not that I had stopped smiling. I was so happy. To have them back. The same waiter that always helps us came by with a smile up to his ears. 

We made our orders. The usual ones. It was like it always is. The waiter flirted with Sabina and she burst out laughing. We sat there for a good couple of hours. She of course told him that now she was in a relationship and he burst out 'HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US' of course in a playfull way and we laughed a bit more. 

We did what we always do. It felt like if nothing had changed. Like we never had met the boys and Elin weren't related to Louis. It all felt like before. 

After that I got a text from Nick to meet me at BBC to hand over the key and I texted back that I could in an hour or so. We started slowly planning for the weeks ahead. But for now Manja and Sabina and Elin would go back to Niall's place to drop off their luggage there and I would go get my key for Elin's and I's apartment. 

Normally I would just tell the person that I would pick up the key some other day but I knew Nick's schedule was probably a lot more stuffed then mine was. I mean Sabina and Manja would be there when I came back. Still It felt wrong taking another tube then them to Oxford circus. 

I knew the way to BBC as I had been there before. Yes I had stood outside of RADIO1 meeting a couple of celebs. Hey I was a fangirl. Hey I'm probably still one. Anyways so I walked quickly by the people going slowly looking into every bloody store. 

I picked up my phone dialing Nick's number. After a couple of seconds he answers and tells me to just walk right in. As I do so I notice fans standing outside. I would be lying if I didn't say I felt bad as walking right in there. 

A girl came over and told me to just walk up the stairs and I did. When I came up the stairs I could actually recognized stuff. Mostly from Dan and Phil show but also from live lunges and stuff like that. Nick walked out from a room right next to the studio and I smiled walking towards him.

"So Nice of you to come, Really helped me out there" Nick said and smiled. He gave me the key and I studied it for a bit. "More like you helped me" I whispered and bit my lip. "Thank you for selling the place to us, literally means alot" I said and looked him in the eyes. He made and aw sound and smiled widely. "No problems darling! Hope to hear from you again, you have my number, don't hesitate to call" He said and gave me brief hug. 

As I was walking away I turned around. "Nick?" I shouted and he turned around. "Who's coming in today?" I asked referring to all the fans outside. "Ellie Goulding" He shouted back and I nodded and shrugged. 

Exactly as he had said Ellie actually walked past me up the stairs to the studio. I worked my best on not gaping after her which I actually succeeded in. The fans were extremely chattily as I walked past them and I smiled. Seemed like alot of them had gotten pictures and had talks with the girl. 

Taking the tube back was much more fun and time seemed to go faster then it had on the way to BBC. I just wanted to come home. Well to Niall's. I wanted to get to know what had Happened with Harry and Sabina and all about the Mosh Situation.

It felt like I had missed tones while I in reality probably just had missed the tea boiling. When I did arrive home Sabina was walking around in the apartment and Manja and Elin stood in the kitchen. I quickly followed Sabina into Niall's room where she had been headed. 

"In the movie it's alot lighter" Sabina said and I chuckle. "Might be because it's evening" I said and leaned against the wall. "Hopefully or those guys really can do photoshop and no one goes safe" She said and I laughed. 

"So what happened with Harry?" I asked and sat down on the bed. She sighed and walked over sitting down on the other side. "I don't know... I guess I was just scared that... He'd listen to what they say" She mumbled and I nodded. "Well they're all talking rubbish" I said and she laughed lightly.

"We talked it through and we're all good now, He flew over and was with me for the hole of two days" She said and you could hear on her voice as she went and re lived the memories. "He's adjusting to having someone new, Someone that isn't used to all this" She said and I nodded. "I know how you feel" I mumbled. "But He likes it... Say's it puts him back on earth again and that's good" She said and I nodded. 

She walked over and hugged me. 

"I've missed you Emmy" She said and I laughed and hugged her tightly. "Missed you to Bunny" I said and she gasped. "He told you!?!" She said eyes wide. "Harry tells me everything" I said and before she could say anything else Manja came in and told us to get out in the garden with them. 

We ended the day as we always does. 

Sitting in the garden just breathing in the summer evenings. 




Love Emma. x

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