Chapter Seventeen - Romantic Crap

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I don't know how he did it but within two hours he had got us into the most fancy restaurant in town. Well maybe I got it a little. He explained that he had been choosing between five different restaurant so he had confused most of the paps. There were still five of them outside of the restaurant as we walked into the restaurant. 

"Would it be gross if I ordered spaghetti bolgonese?" Niall asked and I laughed and shook my head. "Absolutely not" I said and smiled. "I'm ordering lasagna anyways" I said and closed the menu. He laughed loudly and waved one of the waitress over.

He took my hands and something dreamy went over his eyes. When he did that I couldn't make out what he was thinking. Since the day when we met I've just learned more and more about him. The things only you as a girlfriend knows. Stuff that the fans don't have a clue about. 

Even thought... I'm not really his girlfriend. Not officially anyways. 

I couldn't believe that he had choose me. Just as the fans had said. I'm just normal. 

"Did you know we are having one month anniversary tomorrow?" Niall said and I nodded feeling my ears heat up. "It's been such short time but feels like months" He said. "and I can't help but fall harder for you" I mumbled and he smiled wider. "You better be because I'm not letting you go any time soon" He said and I giggled. 

"You're cute when you giggle" He said and I rolled my eyes. "You are!" He said and I laughed. "Well You're cute when you blush" I said and he snorted. "That's not very manly is it?" He said and scrunched his nose. "Manly blush" I said and as fast as it was out of my mouth I started coughing as Niall burst out laughing. "THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT!" I said while I could easily feel my cheeks heat up. 

We started talking about families after that. Not because we talked about his 'manly blush' but because there were a small family in the back of the restaurant. He told me that Denise, Greg's Wife, was really exited to meet me and I just said that I were nervous. 

"So when did you plan on fly over looking for apartments? I could hear about and see if anyone knows anything" Niall said and took a sip of his beer. "That would be great and I think I'll try and stay in London for a few days when I get back from the U.S" I said and he nodded.

"Don't bother get hotel just stay at Mine alright?" He said. "Niall...." I grumbled. "Please stay at mines? I need someone watering my flowers" He said and batted his eyelashes. I sighed. No mater how hard I would fought he would've win. "Fine" His face lit up in a dazzeling smile. 

"Another thing I've been thinking about talking about with you" Niall said and stopped there and I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked. "Is it alright if I announce you as my girlfriend now?" He asked softly. "You may, even if this is our first date" I said and he laughed.

"Please this is our third! Don't forget our movie night and when you showed me around your grandpas island! Those were the days" He said and I laughed loudly. "Idiot" I said and He leaned closer and kissed me. Something we had, had on a down low. Both the fact that we were miles apart but also that we were afraid someone were going to catch us. 

No more hiding or not tweeting pictures. 

He was officially mine. Well as mine as he could get. 

"Come 'ere" He said and brought me up on his lap. He took his phone up and I placed my arms around his neck. He placed his lips onto my cheek and my mouth formed into an o. I looked curiously onto the photo. It was precious. He clicked his way to instagram. 

Now day's Niall didn't instagram that much but he choose to do now. 

Date Night 😃

He tagged me aswell to make it as official as possible. I kissed him a couple of times. "It's not going to be easy but we'll do it together" He said and smiled. I nodded. 

When we left the paparazzi's had dubbled but this time I was calm and didn't find myself in the same panic as earlier. We decided that we should drive to the pub the girls, Harry, Josh and Louis were at. Maybe I was worried... Maybe I felt like a drink myself... Just maybe. 

I was happy it wasn't a club. Mostly because it would be alot harder to find them. When we came in Harry and Sabina were talking loudly about Pickles. I don't know why and I guess I shouldn't ask. Elin lounged herself at me and Sabina when she spotted me did the same. 

Manja gave me a relived smile and I nodded. 

"Emma! You wont believe what I did" Elin said and started giggling. "Where's your brother at" I asked suspiciously and both of them burst out laughing. "Where's my girl at?" Harry shouted and Sabina started laughing jumping her way to Harry who waited with open arms. 

"Emma! Drink?"Josh said happily. He wasn't drunk. Thankfully. "Yeah is there any skittle vodka left?" I asked and Josh shook his head and glanced at Elin Sabina and Harry that were dancing around in a circle to some italian music. "They drank it all?" I asked with open mouth and Manja nodded. 

"Should we bring them home or just let them run?" I asked and turned to Niall. "Let them run a bit more" NIall said and I sat down in one of the stools. "Where's Louis at?" I asked Manja who seemed to know. "He went home after they pranked him" Josh was the one to answer. Team work. 

"What prank?" I asked. Josh laughed laudly before Manja smacked him. "They threw a hole box of coke over him... he got soaked and sober within two seconds, It was magical" Josh explained. "poor guy's not going to get that off for weeks" Niall laughed. 

"Well I guess he got a bit of his own medecine then?" I asked and Niall nodded putting his arm around me. "He prank us all the time so I guess it was good in a way" Niall said tapping his chin. 

We sat there studying the three drunkies for a few minutes. Sabina and Harry even went as far as trying the dirty dancing jump. Nobody was injured badly tho Sabina is bruised. She would defiantly feel that tomorrow morning along with an hung over. 

Elin was her own self and telling Harry the weirdest things in which Harry nodded and looked seriously interested. I felt extremely bad for Elin she would be having the worst one. She was the one that was most drunk and kept bumping into things. Poor thing. 

"So I've seen you've gone Official, Congratulations" Manja suddenly said and I turned to her getting greeted with a megawatt smile. She gave me a breif hug and nodded towards Niall who nodded back smiling happily. "We are really happy" I said smiling. 

"Oh yeah how did it go with the paps?" Josh asked and looked concerned at me. Was he also there at the incident? "A lot better... I don't know what came over me" I sighed and looked down at the table. "No, No, I get it" Josh said and smiled an apologetic smile. 

After that we decided to take the dummies home. By now they were begging for a snack in which we gave them chicken wings and Sabina burst out 'Nandos' and then we were off to the hotel again. Getting them into the car was a wrestle and so was trying to explain to Harry that he would indeed have a hang over tomorrow. 

"No, Yoush don't undershant Emma, Harry Shtyles doeshn't get hangshoversh" He said pointing at me whit one eye going one way and the other, the other way.

Before in the bar he had been in hyper mood but now when he was sleepy he got quite slow. Sabina were sitting in the other side of the car rubbing her temples. I assumed the alcohol were wearing off on her. 

Getting them safely into their bed before hurting themselves more were a challenge but we managed it well. Though i really felt like getting a medal for it. 

As we closed Elin's door and headed towards our room there Liam stands. Angry as a Bee. 


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