Chapter Six - It's Not What It Looks Like

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Honestly I've never been brave. Well not when it come's to boys anyways. I've been one of those girls that stand to the side and just watch the boy she likes. This was extremely hard when it came to Niall. He hunted me down like I was a chicken.

After ten minutes of him being in the shower I couldn't stay there any longer and walked out. From the dressing room to the stage I could actually get without getting lost.

I sat down on the edge of the stage.

How could they do this every day. It had been such an eventful day that I was overwhelmed. But they do things like this every day. The Arena seemed even bigger from the stage. It was really breathtaking.

When I was younger I had wanted to be a signer but got crushed when I discovered that I have the same talent in singing as anyone else. Nothing special.

I placed my hands in Niall's sweatpants and breathed out.

Life moves in weird ways. Today I had met my idols, discovered that my best friend is Louis' sister and had a fruit war with them. It was mad when you thought about it. Usually at times like these I would pick up my phone and tweet about it but this time it didn't feel right. Niall's outburst when we first met had changed my perspective a little. I didn't want to put anything he felt was privet on there. So I didn't.

"Isn't it cool?" Niall said right behind me and I jumped a little. "It is, I'd be lying if I said I'm not jealous" I said and kept looking at the arena. "You can sing?" He asked and I laughed and shook my head. "Nah" I said and smiled.

Niall sat down next to me and I glanced over at him.

He was wearing gray sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. If I could choose, this would defiantly be my favorite look on him. This natural with his hair down and you could spot some blow outs on his cheeks. It made him look.... normal.

Niall scootched closer and placed his arm around my shoulder. I placed my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh.

"You wouldn't imagine the riot that is outside, You'd imagine the fans would leave... ha... but not the one direction fans no" He mumbled and I looked up. "True, But there are no other fanbase on the planet that cares more about their idols" I said and he chuckled and nodded. ''They're the best fans in the world but that doesn't mean that they can get a little annoying at times'' he explained and I nodded. ''Like a sibling then?'' I asked. ''Yes! exactly like a sibling!'' he burst out and I laughed.

We sat for a while in silence. I wonder what he was thinking so hard about.

''We should probably head to the hotel now before they start searching for us'' he mumbled and stood up. He offered me a hand and helped me stand up.

Before we had the chance to do anything else a screaming Sabina ran past us with an Harry after her. 

"GIVE IT BACK!" He shouted at her and she just giggled and ran up the stairs on the stage. "SABINA WE NEED TO GO GIVE IT BACK" He shouted again. "NEVER" She shouted and something dark went past Harry's eyes. 

"Never take Harry's bandanas, rule number one" Niall whispered in my ear. I laughed loudly. Harry ran up the other stairs and tackled Sabina to the ground. He let out a triumphal shout and kissed her cheek. "I win" He said and She pouted. 

"Awh don't do that babe" Harry said and he put up his hair with the bandana. "What am I supposed to do with my hair now?" She said and harry sighed and took a rubber from her wrist. "Ponytail?" He asked and gave it to her. "Fine" She said grumpily. 

Those two were trouble. Yes. They had, in just a few hours, become close. They were insepreble. 

Niall grabbed my hand and we walked towards a door. He cracked it open a sighed heavily. There were fans out there. More then ten. Maybe a thousand or something like that. He walked in again. 

"I think I have an idea" Harry said and started walking towards the fire stairs exit. "Harry" Niall said warningly. "It will work" Harry said and grinned. 

"Do you have an idea of what they're talking about?" Sabina whispered. I shook my head. "I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it" I whispered back. 

Niall walked back to us and Smiled. This made me relax alot. 

"We talked to the security and they'll meet us at the other side of the fire escape" Niall said and I nodded. 

We climbed down the stairs and found ourselves at a black van. The infamous black van. When we drove past the fans I realized the distress the boys must be in every day. The fans looked curiously into the van not being able to see through the tinted windows. They simply had no idea Harry and Niall was even in there. 

I felt slightly bad for them. Okay a lot bad for them. If I weren't friends with Elin the chance is big I would've been one of those fans. 

Standing hoping for just a glimse of their idol. It's sad that it had come to this. When they have to be separated from their fans. But it was for their own good of course. It's still sad because I know how much it means to someone when they meet their idol. 

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Niall asked kindly. "Nothing" I sighed and smiled. 

When we arrived at the hotel we walked in the backway. Again for their safety. 

We were met by Manja who seemed relived to see us. 

"You wouldn't believe that happened" She said. "What?" Sabina asked highly confused. "Firstly Elin is locked into Louis' closet, Secondly We scared the crap out of their band, Your band" She said and nodded towards Harry and Niall. "and then we decided to go out" She said. 

I gaped. "Wait, Elin is in Louis' closet? Why?" Harry asked. "She, by accident, tripped over and spilled hot chocolate over him" Manja explained. "Who-" Manja cut me of. "Then Louis held Orange juice over her as revange so she threw an cupcake at him" She explained. "Yes but how did she get in the closet?" I asked. "Oh he locked her in there to think about what she did" Manja said.

"That makes no sense" Sabina said and I nodded. "Well yeah... I were with Josh when he locked her in so I don't know her side" She mumbled and then shook her head. "We'll go out eat with the band at" She looked down on her watch. "Eleven?" She looked up at us. I turned to Niall.

"Maybe we should just take it in the hotel restaurant?" Harry asked. "Please" Sabina sighed. "You'll have to tell the band okay? I've been in their lounge enough today" She said and blushed slightly. 

Something about the way she said it made me think she wasn't only in there to ask where to go. 

We walked into Louis' Room and found him laying on the sofa. The room looked cleaned up and I couldn't bother to ask. Quickly I walked over to his closet and just as Louis was about to stop me I opened the door for Elin. She fell out and then glared at me. 

"I WAS SLEEPING IN THERE!!" She shouted and glared even harder at me. "You were sleeping in there? I thought you were locked in?" I asked in confusion. She shook her head. "No Louis opened for me an hour ago" She said and rolled her eyes. 

Honestly I wasn't surprised she had been sleeping in there. 

"It's perfect reading light in there as well" She said and smiled widely. 

We started playing FIFA. Me and Niall against Louis and Elin. We Lost. I'm not even going to deny that it wasn't my fault, because it was. I'm not good at it but I truly love to play it. Sabina Was in Harry's room putting on make up while Harry and Manja sat and played card and by the sounds of Harry's shouts Manja was winning. 

Suddenly Manja stepped in front of the tv. We being in the middle of a game started shouting at her. 

"MANJA MOOOOVVEEE" Louis shouted. She blinked a few minutes and then looked at him with small eyes.

"No you stop playing now, Time to meet Jo- I mean the band in the resutrant now! Come on" This was the first time I've herd Manja being slightly annoyed. She had always been the cheery sweet girl but now she showed her claws. 

Me and Elin dropped our controllers and got up walking with Manja. Niall followed my lead and so did Harry. Louis ran after us when he realized she was being serious. 

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