Chapter ThirtyThree - No But Yes

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My jaw dropped. Literally. "Some day I mean" He said and releif washed over me. I loved Niall but I wasn't even eighteen yet. Everything moved so fast I just wanted to keep something slow. We had been dating for two months now. Two months. That's not enough to get married on. 

"Not to put pressure on you or anything but... your silence is making me nervous" He said and this is when I realize I haven't spoken a word. I look up at him and he brush a tear from my cheek. Why were I crying. 

"I want to Marry you one day... I really want to" I said and smiled. "But?" He asked and I sighed. "No buts... Just Not now.. no" I said and he grabs my hand and kiss the top of it. "I love you Emmy" He whispered and kiss my temple. "I can't explain to you Niall how much I care for you, How much I want to spend my life with you" I said and Niall smiled widely, teeth showing and everything. He pulls me up to his chest and stands up, holding me bridal style. He then puts me down in the chair.

Niall holds up a finger and then runs into the house. As he's gone I watch as the sun sets slowly. When he comes back out he have a small blue box with him. Is the guy slow? Not now. He brings me up to his chest again and sits down so I can sit in his lap.

"Why I asked if you'd want to marry me is because... Well... I want to marry you but I also wanted to give you this..." He opened the box. Inside the box laid the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. "It's a promise ring" Niall whispered. The ring was small with small stones laid around the band of what looked to be silver but could easily be white gold. I wouldn't know.  

"If you accept it... Sorry I'm not to educated on the hole promise ring thing but I think it goes down something like this" Niall said and I laughed and he made a sigh in relief. "When I give you this we promise each other to stay together" He said. "So With this ring I, Niall James Horan, promise to be fully be committed, Faithful and loving to you and be there for you until that's not what you want anymore, If that's the case" Niall said seriously and picked the ring out of its box, I nodded not being able to form words. I brought my hand upp and Niall put it on my middle finger on my left hand. 

I studied my hand for a few minutes. The ring looked like it belonged there. It hugged my finger perfectly and were really comfortable. How did he know my ring size? I don't even know my own ring size. 

"I was in Tiffany's the other day and it was there..." He said and picked my hand in his studying the hand with the ring too. "Thank you" He whispered and looked deep into my eyes. "I love you Niall" I said and he smiled an a tear slipped down. I caught it with my lips. "Happy tears" He mumbled and kissed me. 


The morning after I laid in bed just watching my hand. Did yesterday night even happen? the smell of bacon was through the house. Niall was not beside me so I figured he was making breakfast. I brought my ring up and snapped a quick picture of my hand and sent it to the girls. 

Right after I had put down my phone Niall came in with a trail with food on. I spotted pancakes and tea, bacon and what seemed to be scrambled eggs. 

"You spoil me" I said as Niall sat down with the trail in the bed. "Nah" He said and gave me a peck on the lips. He brought me close and started feeding me with pancake and Eggs and bacon. Lets be honest I was in heaven. 

After our slow morning I got ready for the day. We would be at the youtube space at eleven and the clock was almost ten so we would have to drive in half an hour. Niall was coming with me which I hadn't really expected and I didn't know if I should dm Tanya to warn her but I just guess it wouldn't be any problems. 

As Niall drove us there he told me about the time he met Zoe and the she was really nice but that he never could eat marshmallows again after the challenge. I had never been at the google headquarters just as I had never been to alot of places in London. 

When we arrived there I dm:ed Tanya telling her I was there and asked if she could meet us in the lobby because I didn't know where to go from there. She didn't answer my dm and as I was about to start panic she appeared in the elevator doors. 

Niall took my hand and we started to walk towards her. 

"Emma! It's so nice to meet you!" She said happily and I shook her head. "So nice to meet you too, Hope it was fine for me to take Niall with me" I said and Niall gave Tanya a huge smile. One of those smiles you can't really say no to and she nodded. "Oh it's fine" She said and chuckled. 

As we stood in the elevator I squeezed Niall's hand as I knew how he felt about small spaces. "Zoe and Alfie is here so is Jim and Phil and Dan, They're so exited" She said and I laughed. "Feels like I'm a celebrity" i said and laughed loudly. 

When the elevator stopped we walked though a corridor until we turned to the right into a room with lights and a set placed up. In there stood all of the people now turned towards me smiling. 

We started to plan of who was going to do what first. Zoe, Me and Tanya would do a collaboration in which they did my make up which I didn't have any on as they had told me on twitter not to. NIall stood behind the camera watching as we did the video. 

He would talk to Jim from time to time as the others seemed to shy to say anything.

"Hello everybody so today I have two guests! Me and Zoes going to do an simple easy natural tutorial that I hope that you'll all enjoy" Tanya said and I smiled. "But first I thought you'd introduce yourself" Tanya said and turned towards me. I gave a little wave and smiled. "Hi My name's Emma Strömberg" I said and gave a little shrug. "I'll be releasing my first book in January named Paris" I said and the others nodded. 

"WHere you probably have seen her from is next to her boyfriend Niall Horan from one direction" Tanya said and Niall winked at me. I nodded.

As they put make up onto my face. Explaining every deital they asked me questions which I answered Happily. 

"Is it true you actually have a youtube channel?" Zoe asked and I blushed and laughed. "Yeah, Haven't posted anything on there for a couple of months now, it's embarrassing" I said and they huffed. "Maybe I'll take it up after this, I don't know my life have been so hectic lately, so yeah" I said and they glanced over at Niall.

"So what does your boyfriend think looks best on you?" Zoe asked. "Alfie wants me to have lip gloss on for an example" She said and Niall looked at me like know it all. "Niall doens't like me with make up on, Not very much of it anyways, Natural, Natural, is what he likes and that's fine with me" I said and they cooed. 

"I couldn't help but noticing the ring, any special meaning" Tanya said. "Niall actually gave me this yesterday, It's a promise ring not an engagement ring" I said and she stopped padding eye shadow onto my eyes and asked if she could see it and I nodded. She showed it to the camera and I blushed. 

As that video was finished I was swapped in with a video with Dan and Phil. I was in heaven basically. We did a video about being in public places and just social awkwardness. Me and Alfie did the random questions tag and Me and Jim did a couple tip video. As in we gave relationship tips. 

The day went on with different collaborations and it felt like I had done every British youtuber as we left the building. As we did paps swarmed the entrance. Oh Come ON. 

We walked towards the back entrance but they were there as well. 

"Okay There is only one option, walk through them" Niall said and turned towards me. "I know you get really nervous but we can do this alright? I love you" He said and kissed me quickly before taking my hand leading me through the crowd. 

I found myself a lot calmer this time. The paps wasn't really bad. I wouldn't call them nice but they weren't mean or anything like that. 

When we had come out on the road they disappeared and I snatched Niall's phone to check twitter. 

@TanyaBurr: Had a Lovely day with the lovely @BornWithColour 

@JimsTweetings: Bumped into @BornWithCOlour and her main man @NiallOffical so cool!

@PointlessBlog: Met both @BornWithColour and @NiallOffical today! So nice people :)

@Zozeeboo: Can't believe @NiallOffical remembered me! his girlfriend @BornWithColour were a doll today filmin

All of the people I had filmed with today had tweeted so much nice things and I just couldn't stop smiling. What a day. 

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